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About The Book

Bill Amends treasury, Wrapped-Up FoxTrot, will leave FoxTrot fans with a lasting impression and a lot of laughs.

Now a Sunday-only strip, this anthology includes colored Sundays as well as the final dailies of the comic Entertainment Weekly said "is the most idiosyncratic one to debut since Calvin and Hobbes."

Fans get all the family angst and antics they can handle with a collection of stories and experiences that only Jason, Peter, Paige, and parents can provide. Life is always fresh, topical, and irreverent in this wacky house.

* Amend's FoxTrot won the National Cartoonists Society's prestigious Reuben Award in 2007.

About The Author

Bill Amend was named Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year by the National Cartoonists Society in 2007. He creates FoxTrot cartoons for Sunday newspapers and maintains an online presence at He lives in the Midwest.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (May 19, 2009)
  • Length: 192 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780740781582

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