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The Liberators

Published by Baen
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

A New Master of Military Science Fiction Begins a New Series of Military Action Set in the Present Day.

A brand new original paperback series from a military man--and a skilled writer of military adventure.

Old soldiers never die...except inside...when they lack a reason to live. Old soldier Wes Stauer is dying inside, from sheer lack of purpose. And then comes the knock on the door: “Our leader's son and heir has been kidnapped. We don't know where he is. We need you to get him back for us. The people who have him are numerous, warlike, and well armed. But money is no object.”

And then old soldiers—sailors and airmen, too—stop fading away and come back into sharp focus.

“Kratman’s dystopia [in Caliphate] is a brisk page turner full of startling twists . .. he’s a professional military man . . . so he’s certainly up to speed on the military and geopolitical conceits of the book.” —Mark Steyn, Maclean’s Magazine

“Kratman’s written the future [in Caliphate], and it’s scary.” —John Ringo

About The Author

In 1974, at age seventeen, Tom Kratman became a political refugee and defector from the PRM (People’s Republic of Massachusetts) by virtue of joining the Regular Army. He stayed a Regular Army infantryman most of his adult life, returning to Massachusetts as an unofficial dissident while attending Boston College after his first hitch. Back in the Army, he managed to do just about everything there was to do at one time or another. After the Gulf War, with the bottom dropping completely out of the anti-communist market, Tom decided to become a lawyer. Every now and again, when the frustrations of legal life and having to deal with other lawyers got to be too much, Tom would rejoin the Army (or a somewhat similar group, say) for fun and frolic in other climes. His family, muttering darkly, put up with this for years. He no longer practices law, instead writing full-time for Baen. His novels for Baen include A State of Disobedience, Caliphate, and the series consisting of A Desert Called Peace, Carnifex, The Lotus Eaters, The Amazon Legion, Come and Take Them, The Rods and the Axe, and A Pillar of Fire by Night. With John Ringo, he has written the novels Watch on the Rhine, Yellow Eyes, and The Tuloriad. Also for Baen, he has written the first three volumes of the modern-day military fiction series Countdown.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Baen (January 25, 2011)
  • Length: 704 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781439134023

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