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"Sir" Adam Kleinberg
Adam "The Phantom" Nudelman
Al Snow
Amanda Storm
Barbara Goodish
Bertrand Hébert
Bill Apter
Billy Robinson
Blade Braxton
Bob Calhoun
Bob Holly
Brian Fritz
Brian R. Solomon
Brian Young
Bruce Hart
Bryan Alvarez
Christopher Murray
Dan Murphy
David Hofstede
Debrah Miceli
Dewey Robertson
Dylan Postl
Gary Michael Cappetta
George Napolitano
Greg Klein
Greg Oliver
Heath McCoy
Howard Brody
Irvin Muchnick
Jake Shannon
James Guttman
Jimmy Korderas
John "Alexander" Arezzi
Jon Finkel
Jon Robinson
Jon Waldman
Keith Elliot Greenberg
Kevin Kesar
Larry Matysik
Larry Zbyszko
Michael McAvennie
Mike Rickard
Missy Hyatt
Pat Laprade
Pat Patterson
R.D. Reynolds
Randy Reynolds
RD Reynolds
Ross Owen Williams
Ross Williams
Steven Johnson
Tim Hornbaker
Titus O'Neil
Vince Russo
The Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame
(Book #5 of The Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame)
Greg Oliver and Steven Johnson
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