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A. R. Bernard
Adams Media
Amy Wall
Andrew Murray
Anthony Le Donne
Arthur W. Pink
Bart D. Ehrman
Bob Edgar
Brady Boyd
Brother Lawrence
Charles Fillmore
Cyntoia Brown-Long
Dawn M. Brandon
Ed Gungor
Ellen G. White
Emanuel Swedenborg
Ernest Holmes
F. B. Meyer
G. K. Chesterton
Genevieve Behrend
Gerald L. Schroeder
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Gustav Davidson
Helen Keeler
Henry Drummond
I. Lilias Trotter
James Allen
James D. Tabor
James E. Talmage
James Stuart
James Stuart Bell
James Walsh
Jeanne Marie Bouvieres de la Motte Guyon
Joel Osteen
Joel S. Goldsmith
John Hick
John Trigilio
Joseph Williamson
Josh Ross
Julian of Norwich
Kate Zebiri
Katherine John
Keith Ward
Kenneth Brighenti
Leo Tolstoy
Lisa Whelchel
Meera Lester
Michael F Russell
Richard Gribble
Ross Douthat
S.J. de Caussade
Saint Augustine
Saul Selby
Soren Kierkegaard
St. John of the Cross
Steve Brown
Susan Grimbly
T.D. Jakes
Tammy L. Bicket
Thomas Jefferson
William Wilberforce