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Amy Schwartz
Angela DiTerlizzi
Ann Schoenbohm
Anne Marie Pace
April Pulley Sayre
Arthur Howard
Ashley Wolff
Boni Ashburn
Cindy Jenson-Elliott
Cynthia Rylant
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Dashka Slater
Deborah Underwood
Denise Fleming
Dianne White
Douglas Florian
Elana K. Arnold
Ellen Jackson
Ellen Stoll Walsh
Jan Thomas
Jeanette Winter
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Judy Horacek
K.L. Going
Kabir Sehgal
Kate Dopirak
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Laura Krauss Melmed
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Lauren Stringer
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Lois Ehlert
Maggie Rudy
Marla Frazee
Mary Lyn Ray
Meg Fleming
Nancy Raines Day
Petra Mathers
Rick Chrustowski
Robin Luebs
Sandra J. Howatt
Sarvinder Naberhaus
Sue Lowell Gallion
Surishtha Sehgal
Trudy Krisher
Verlie Hutchens
Victoria Chang
Un balde de bendiciones (A Bucket of Blessings)
Kabir Sehgal and Surishtha Sehgal
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Bitsy Murciélago, estrella escolar (Bitsy Bat, School Star)
(Part of The Bitsy Bat Series)
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La gatita y el vigilante nocturno (Kitten and the Night Watchman)
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