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A.I. Newton
Ada Hopper
Arthur Wyatt
Cameron Macintosh
Chihiro Takeuchi
Colleen AF Venable
Courtney Sheinmel
Dustin Brady
Eric Gapstur
James Peaty
Jane Smith
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R.L. Stine
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Cadet Dredd: Tooth And Claw
(Book #1 of Cadet Dredd)
Matthew Smith, Rory McConville, Michael Carroll, Arthur Wyatt, Liam Johnson, James Peaty, Paul Starkey, and Ned Hartley
Mi vecino alienígena 3: El explorador alienígena
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The Alien Next Door 10: The Surprise Sleepover
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Saving Cosmo
(Book #3 of My Pet Slime)
Courtney Sheinmel and Colleen AF Venable
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