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A.I. Newton
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Neecy and Nay Nay and the Green Thumbs (Neecy and Nay Nay #3) (A Little Bee Books Chapter Book Series)
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Simone Dankenbring and Syrone Harvey
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Band Camp! 3: In the Spotlight (Band Camp! #3)(A Little Bee Graphic Novel Series for Kids)
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Neecy and Nay Nay and the Glitter Girls (Neecy and Nay Nay #2) (A Little Bee Books Chapter Book Series)
(Part of Neecy and Nay Nay)
Syrone Harvey and Simone Dankenbring
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Neecy and Nay Nay and the Tangled, Hairy Mess (Neecy and Nay Nay #1) (A Little Bee Books Chapter Book Series)
(Part of Neecy and Nay Nay)
Simone Dankenbring and Syrone Harvey
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