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A Miss Mallard Mystery
A Pals in Peril Tale
City Spies
Greetings from Somewhere
Hamster Holmes
Hardy Boys
Hardy Boys (All New) Undercover Brothers
Hardy Boys Adventures
Hardy Boys Clue Book
Hardy Boys Undercover Brothers: Super Mystery
Hardy Boys: The Secret Files
Hedgehog Whodunit
Mack Rhino, Private Eye
Nancy Drew
Nancy Drew (All New) Girl Detective
Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew
Nancy Drew Clue Book
Nancy Drew Diaries
Nancy Drew Files
Nancy Drew Notebooks
Nancy Drew on Campus
Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys
Nancy Drew: Girl Detective Super Mystery
Pup Detectives
Sam Abernathy Books
Sam the Man
Section 13
Sherlock Chick
The Freaky Joe Club
The Great Mouse Detective
The Great Pet Heist
The Tangled Mysteries
Tom Swift Inventors' Academy
Tom Swift, Young Inventor