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Aisha Saeed
Alicia D. Williams
Arne Svingen
Beth Turley
Chelsea Pitcher
Chloe Taylor
Christian Wilkins
Daniel Miyares
David Gordon
Frances O'Roark Dowell
Gail Nall
Gina Loveless
Jacqui Robbins
Jake Gosselin
Jamie Sumner
Jarrett Lerner
Jen Malone
Jennifer Bradbury
John David Anderson
Jon Scieszka
Judith Viorst
Kelly DiPucchio
Laura Gosselin
Leah Henderson
Lee Gjertsen Malone
Maggie P. Chang
Nora Raleigh Baskin
Patricia Polacco
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Pierrette Dubé
Rachel Wise
Rachele Alpine
Robert Venditti
Scott Starkey
Stephanie Faris
The Friend Thief (Diary of a 5th Grade Outlaw Book 2)
(Part of Diary of a 5th Grade Outlaw)
Paper Over Board$29.99
The Pinkaboos: Bitterly and the Giant Problem
(Book #1 of Pinkaboos)
Jake Gosselin and Laura Gosselin
Trade Paperback$16.99