Meaningfulness At Work Questionnaire
Please give a score on each of the following items from 1 (totally disagree, this is not how I feel at all) to 10 (totally agree, this is precisely how I feel).
You have a strong sense of meaningfulness in your work. Keep up the good work (literally!) but continue to ask yourself: how can you create the same sense of meaningfulness for others?
Some aspects of your work make it meaningful to you. Is there anything you can change to make it more meaningful to you? You can either learn more about your and your organisation’s impact or change it to make it more impactful.
A job is just a job, right? Usually not. Work plays such an essential role in our life that it can be a missed opportunity not to find a more impactful one. Perhaps consider shifting to an organisation more aligned with your values and purpose, one that does something about issues you care about.
You must have come to this questionnaire for a reason, as you don’t feel your job holds significance to you or others. Perhaps my book, Make it Meaningful, can help you in your search.