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New publisher Authors Equity has embarked on a partnership with Simon & Schuster for its sales and distribution in Australia and New Zealand.


The new arrangement begins on 1st September 2024. There will be four exciting releases in 2024 including: the first books from imprint 831 Stories, the innovative “romantic fiction company,” founded by Claire Mazur and Erica Cerulo; a new business book by bestselling author Seth Godin; and a new edition of Don’t Believe Everything You Think by self-published author Joseph Nguyen.


Authors Equity CEO and Publisher Madeline McIntosh comments, "We at Authors Equity are delighted to be working with Simon & Schuster as our distribution partner in Australia. Even as a tiny new company, we're aiming to achieve maximum global reach for our authors, and knowing that we can lean on the market expertise and capabilities of Simon & Schuster means we can meet that goal. We can't wait to have our books and authors meet Australian booksellers and readers!"


Simon & Schuster CEO Dan Ruffino said, “We love partnering with energetic and innovative start up publishers such as Authors Equity and are very much looking forward to helping them realise their ambitions from our corner of the world. Some of us have had the pleasure of working with them in former publishing roles and know what strengths, talent and skill they will bring to their new company.”


Orders can be processed through Harper Entertainment Distribution Services (HEDS).