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Where Angels Tread

Real Stories of Miracles and Angelic Intervention

About The Book

From an author with a proven track record of book sales on paranormal subjects, Where Angels Tread shares true stories of miracles and supernatural encounters by angelic beings, backed by Rule’s thorough research. The best-selling subject of angel encounters is multi-media “evergreen.”

Leslie Rule has spent over a decade researching spirits and has chronicled her paranormal tales in four previous nonfiction books, Coast to Coast Ghosts, Ghosts Among Us, When the Ghost Screams, and Ghost in the Mirror. With more than 150,000 copies sold, Rule builds upon her successful series of mystical works with Where Angels Tread.

Where Angels Tread presents startling cases of angelic intervention, carefully documented through research and interviews, and accompanied by 30 black-and-white photographs of the subjects. In addition to enjoying tightly written yet detailed stories, loyal readers will be pleased to see Rule's trademark "In the News" sidebar articles where actual news accounts of angels and miracles are spotlighted.

From the case of an elderly woman pushed from a burning house by angelic hands, to the story of a four-year-old pedaling straight into the path of a speeding truck only to be stopped by an angel, Where Angels Tread presents phenomenal cases of divine intervention. Twelve chapters are divided by themes, including "Animal Miracles," "Christmas Miracles," and "Angels on the Road."

An enticing foreword by best-selling author Ann Rule will whet readers' appetites when she confides that an angel once saved her life.

About The Author

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (October 11, 2011)
  • Length: 240 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781449407735

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