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Vertigo: Of Love & Letting Go

An Odyssey About a Lost Poet in Retrograde - Modern Poetry & Quotes

About The Book

You could always feel Vertigo enter the room.
She was the something of revival.

In this modern epic, poet Analog de Leon (Chris Purifoy) weaves together a collection of poems into one rich story about star-crossed love and the turbulence of letting go. Vertigo offers an empowering message to anyone who has loved, lost, or yearned for freedom. It explores what it means to be human by examining our connection with nature, the cosmos, and each other.

Inspired by a Syrian monk who lived atop a pillar in protest to the injustice of the day, Vertigo is a voice of resistance, urging the reader to be more present and intentional. It is a map laced in allegory for a lost generation of anxious people holding on for life as the train of progress careens violently forward into midnight.

The poetry, quotes and illustrations seen throughout Vertigo’s pages act as a handbook for anyone attempting to embark on a journey from separation to wholeness. It conveys deep inner truths in a relatable package—allowing readers of all ages and intellects to seek inward and empower themselves with self-love. Vertigo is the perfect anthology gift for kids, children, young people, teens and adult readers alike.

Vertigo draws on the influence of pop culture as well as classic books, authors, and art, with allusions to the Odyssey, The Neverending Story, Rilke, Keats, Tennyson, The Bible, The Great Gatsby, Whitman, Rumi, and U2 among others, exploring themes of love, loss, Greek mythology, astrology, astrophysics, quantum mechanics, spirituality, science, nature, mountaineering, cosmology, theology, romance, and philosophy.

Vertigo is the first release by Lost Poets, and is meant to stand as the cornerstone for a resistance against a plastic generation of injustice and alternative facts.

About The Authors

Analog de Leon is a moniker by Chris Purifoy and an initiative to encourage people to unplug and be present in their lives. Chris is an author, technology architect, and futurist. He speaks in global forums about the slippery slope of progress and the importance of art with purpose. Chris is the Co-Founder of Lost Poets, an organization dedicated to art in resistance.

Chris is the Chief Technology Officer for the Global Action Platform, a university-business alliance and think tank in collaboration with the United Nations and the World Bank, dedicated to advancing scalable, sustainable solutions for abundant food, health, and prosperity.

Chris also helps produce TEDxVeniceBeach and sat on councils at TEDxNashville, TEDxYouth and the Music Education Policy Roundtable, a national government lobbyist group dedicated to higher standards for music education.

Read Chris's full story at

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (November 21, 2017)
  • Length: 176 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781449487751

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