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The Vikings' Daughter

The Grey Blade

Published by Zmok Books
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Through excellent research and storytelling Howard Whitehouse has woven a tale of old Norway written for young and older readers. These stories are pack with historical tidbits that serve as the background for these entertaining stories.

Book one of a three book trilogy centers on Gudrid, who along with her brother Gisli com to live with their foster parents on the mainland of Iceland. The Grey Blade is the story of an adventurous girl who becomes a woman quickly. She is plain and largely unnoticeable, which becomes almost a superpower; she disguises herself three times as a boy, and as often as a servant girl. She’s trained by a witch but has no magical powers. She births babies, heals the sick, and stabs those that need stabbing. She wrecks ships and sets fire to things, as the situation demands.

About The Author

Howard Whitehouse is the author of The Strictest School in the World, The Faceless Fiend and The Island of Mad Scientists, which comprise the Mad Misadventures of Emmaline and Rubberbones series. He used to own a plastic viking helmet that sat on his head like a tiny horned eggcup because it had been designed for a small child. One day, when Howard wasn’t looking, his wife threw it away. It is probably somewhere in New York’s Hudson Valley, where he lives.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Zmok Books (July 17, 2025)
  • Length: 285 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781958872390

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