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The Two Worlds

Book #2 of Giants
Published by Baen
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Giant’s Star
: The aliens from Ganymede bought with them answers that forever changed human history. Finally, humans thought they comprehended their place in the universe – that is, until they learned of the Watchers in the stars. Now Earth finds itself in the middle of a power struggle between a benevolent alien empire and an off-shoot group of upstart humans who hate Earth more than any alien ever could.

Entoverse: Jevlen is a rational society managed to perfection by immense super computer JEVEX – until now. Things are falling apart, people are changing, or being changed, and shutting down JEVEX doesn’t help. The changed behave as if they are possessed by demons. Meanwhile in a nearby, completely different universe, rationality is creeping into a world where magic has always held sway. Logic, the magic of this world, is beginning to work! Cause is actually leading directly to effect! What’s more, with the proper concentration and purity of mind, crossing over into a new, rational universe can be achieved. Jevlin is that destination, of course, and the collision is between not just worlds, but universes with completely opposing operating systems.

About The Author

Product Details

  • Publisher: Baen (August 28, 2007)
  • Length: 864 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781416537250

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