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The Tradition of Natural Taoism

The Way of Free and Easy Wandering in Oneness

Published by Inner Traditions
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

A comprehensive exploration and restoration of Taoism’s original teaching

• Draws on source texts of the Tao Te Ching and the Chuang-tzu for ways to achieve skills effortlessly through unity with the Tao

• Explains how Taoism is a spiritual technology for deprogramming ourselves from socialization and dissolving the ego

• Explores concepts of wu-wei (nonaction) and xiaoyao you (free and easy wandering in oneness) in order to realize our unfiltered true nature

The author provides a comprehensive exploration and restoration of Taoism’s original teaching, giving readers a fresh take on this ancient philosophy of oneness.

By returning to the source texts of the Tao Te Ching and the Chuang-tzu, Jason shows how to gain skills effortlessly through alignment with the Tao and overcome the limitations of reason. Since Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu, Taoists have navigated a world detached from the Tao. This detachment continues to expand due to external forces and materialism. Taoism is a means to break free from imposed socialization, liberating us from the suffering inherent in a society built upon ideologies and materialism. In contrast to Confucianism, which offers social morality, Taoism is a spiritual technology for deprogramming ourselves from socialization and reactions of the ego. Jason shows that such programming can impede the spontaneous flow that is central to this path. Like other non-dual systems, Taoism seeks to dissolve identity so the undifferentiated nature of the Tao can make full use of the liberated being. We reconnect with the Tao by dissolving the binaries of reason and achieving xiaoyao you, “free and easy wandering in oneness,” which is the final teaching on the Taoist path. This book shows the way to become what Taoists call a Zhenren—an authentic person or enlightened sage.

The Tradition of Natural Taoism offers wisdom to liberate us from the suffering inherent in a materialistic culture and reconnect us with our unfiltered true nature.

About The Author

Jason Gregory is a teacher and international speaker specializing in the fields of Eastern and Western philosophy, comparative religion, metaphysics, and ancient cultures. For several years he studied with masters in Buddhism, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Hinduism, and Taoism, traveling to some of the most remote places in the world. The filmmaker of the documentary The Sacred Sound of Creation, he divides his time between Asia and Australia.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Inner Traditions (December 3, 2025)
  • Length: 224 pages
  • ISBN13: 9798888502358

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