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The Stress-Free Habit

Powerful Techniques for Health and Longevity from the Andes, Yucatan, and the Far East

Published by Healing Arts Press
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

To achieve material success in a technologically advanced society, it may be necessary to subject yourself to a great deal of stress. However, it is not necessary to “stay tense.” The president of Independent Power Systems International, John Perkins manages large-scale projects aimed at conserving energy and improving the environment. The Stress-Free Habit is the result of his twenty years of experience as a management consultant to governmental organizations and businesses in countries as diverse as Ecuador, Indonesia, Egypt, Mexico, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. The author points out that stress is all around us and, while it is often useful and even essential, it can also be extremely harmful. While other cultures incorporate very specific methods of stress management as part of their daily routines, such methods are noticeably absent from the fabric of modern Western culture.Perkins emphasizes that we can--and should--seek out these techniques wherever they are to be found and put them into practice in our own lives. Throughout his travels and contacts with a variety of native cultures, the author has observed and integrated traditional practices that have enabled him and his co-workers to manage stress effectively and achieve high levels of success. The Stress-Free Habit consolidates this practical wisdom in a simple easy-to-follow eight-step program. Those who practice it experience physical and psychological benefits, including elimination of alcohol and drug abuse, insomnia, headache, diarrhea, and nervous disorders, as well as a lower probability of heart attack. The principles of The Stress-Free Habit come to life in tales of remarkable encounters with individuals who have mastered the art of creative living. Their stories are a testament to techniques of stress management that can help you live a longer, more relaxed, and more productive life.

About The Author

John Perkins has traveled and worked with South American indigenous peoples since 1968. He currently arranges expeditions into the Amazon and has developed the POLE (Pollution Offset Lease on Earth) program with the Shuar and Achuar peoples as a means of preserving their culture against the onslaught of modern civilization. He is also the author of The Stress-Free Habit, Psychonavigation, Shapeshifting, and The World Is As You Dream It.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Healing Arts Press (May 1, 1989)
  • Length: 104 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780892812929

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