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About The Book

"The Duct Tape Guy is hysterical! We laughed so hard, phlegm came up!" —WSNY, Columbus, Ohio, on author Tim Nyberg

Any guy who can get not just one, but six books-selling well over a million copies-out of a topic like duct tape has to know how to make people laugh. Tim Nyberg, creator of the Duct Tape books, truly is such a funny person. He brings his bizarre sense of humor to everything he does.

Fun is certainly the operative word for Nyberg's The Practical Joker's Handbook, the only practical joke collection in print. Using his Web site, the author spent six years collecting practical joke and prank ideas from around the world. This definitive handbook features the best and the funniest of these, all designed to remind readers to have fun, not take life too seriously, and catch people off-guard to make them laugh. (Potentially harmful jokes and pranks were purposefully omitted.)

The results are a hilarious collection of stories, tips, and tactics for bringing humor to the forefront. Nyberg first explains the art of the joke, then goes on to outline where and how to pull off the best practical gags on friends and loved ones. From how to jury-rig a toilet tank to using a kazoo to place an order in the fast-foot drive-through, Nyberg delivers the goods. This one will have readers in stitches!

About The Author

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (January 4, 2004)
  • Length: 192 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780740741982

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