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The Power of Symbols Deck

Sacred Images for Meditation, Divination, and Coloring (A 41-Card Deck & Guidebook)

Published by Beyond Words
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Experience the ancient wisdom of the world with The Power of Symbols Deck! Dive deep into the mysteries of 41 powerful symbols, each holding timeless divine knowledge from cultures across the globe. Elevate your meditation practice as you bring each card to life with your own colors, making this deck uniquely yours.

This diverse 41-card divination deck features sacred symbols illustrated in black and white, crafted for meditation and coloring with markers, paint, or colored pencils or pens—whatever art medium your heart desires to use! The accompanying 128-page guidebook provides an in-depth exploration of the sacred power of symbols and how to work with them, as well as descriptions of the different cultures that the symbols belong to, their core meanings, and what unique message they each have.

Reaching deep into humanity’s ancient past, awaken the long-hidden symbols and archetypes that are stored within our collective unconscious and embrace their wisdom of our shared human experience. Cultural and religious symbols—like Zen Buddhism’s enso, the Christian cross, the Egyptian ankh, and alchemy’s ouroboros—represent elements of the soul’s journey, revealing the universal essence of our shared human experience and allowing you to access a deep connection with yourself and humanity as a whole. Transcend cultural boundaries and celebrate the oneness of our spiritual paths with The Power of Symbols Deck and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, knowledge, and enlightenment.

About The Author

Photograph by Angelo Scuteri

Stefano Fusi is an Italian writer, journalist, and painter with a deep commitment to ecology, nature, and health. He has collaborated with leading Italian environmental organizations like World Wildlife Fund and Italia Nostra and has contributed to numerous magazines, including Qui Touring and New Age Music & New Sounds. Fusi has served as editor-in-chief of Il Giornale della Natura and edited Anima News. He has also been a press officer for Red Edizioni and the Interassociation of Arts for Health. Beyond writing, Fusi has led seminars, courses, and events for various organizations. Currently, he works as a ghostwriter, manages a humanitarian fund for the Indigenous peoples of the Americas, and conducts experiential meetings focused on deep ecology.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Beyond Words (July 16, 2025)
  • Length: 128 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781582709505

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