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The Orb Project

About The Book

An eye-opening deep dive into the orb phenomenon and their relationship to the spirit realm, featuring full-color photographs, research findings, and more—from two leading experts.

After literally stumbling into orbs appearing as bright as light bulbs in photographs he was taking at a spiritual retreat, Dr. Klaus Heinemann immediately sensed that he was onto something profound.

Dr. Míceál Ledwith had a similar experience after the orb phenomenon was first made known to him through the teachings of Ramtha. He began an intense and systematic study of orbs in all sorts of situations, and what implications they might have for our understanding of our own place in the cosmos.

In The Orb Project, Ledwith and Heinemann present their fascinating discoveries, along with practical tips that amateur digital photographers can use to photograph orbs and properly distinguish them from dust or water particles. They offer guidelines on deciphering the orbs’ various patterns, features, and characteristics, based on their extensive research.

Accessible and fascinating, The Orb Project effortlessly makes the case that our conventional physical reality is merely an extension of the limitless spiritual dimension.

About The Authors

Photograph courtesy of author

Klaus Heinemann, PhD, was born and educated in Germany. He holds a PhD in experimental physics from the University of Tumbingen. Dr. Heinemann worked for many years in materials science research at NASA, UCLA, and as a research professor at Stanford University. He is founder and chairman of a corporation that performs scientific research in computational fluid dynamics, materials development, and nanotechnology under contracts from NASA. For several decades, Dr. Heinemann has worked on mending the commonly perceived rift between science and spirituality and lectures on expanding perception.

Photograph courtesy of author

Miceal Ledwith, PhD, was professor of systematic theology for sixteen years at Maynooth College in Ireland and subsequently served for ten years as president of the university. He was a member of the International Theological Commission, a small group of theologians of international standing, charged with advising the Holy See on theological matters. He also served as chairman of the Committee of Heads of the Irish Universities and as a member of the governing Bureau of the Conference of European University Presidents (CRE). He has lectured extensively throughout Europe, South Africa, Japan, Australia, Mexico, and North America.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Atria Books/Beyond Words (November 6, 2007)
  • Length: 208 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781416575535

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Raves and Reviews

"A well-researched examination of a remarkable modern phenomena, with enormous implications for our current scientific story and indeed our current sense of the possible." -- Lynne McTaggart, author of the bestellers, The Field and The Intention Experiment

"Orbs may be to the atmosphere what crop circles are to the earth. Having seen orbs and had them photographed while I am speaking, it is great to know that we are receiving cosmic energetic communication." -- C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph. D., Holos University Graduate Seminary president, International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine, author of Life Beyond 100 - Secrets of the Fountain of Youth

"The Orb Project helps us peer into a very weird phenomenon with some sobriety and discernment. Even Einstein referred to the puzzling world of quantum entanglement as 'spooky action at a distance' before it was better understood. Breakthroughs in science come when we are prepared to explore persistent anomalies. Orbs may just be evidence that can only be explained outside of the box of current limiting and reductionist worldviews." -- James O'Dea, president, Institute of Noetic Sciences.

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