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The Metabaron Vol.3

The Meta-Guardianess and the Techno-Baron - Oversized Deluxe

Illustrated by Valentin Sécher / Other Alejandro Jodorowsky
Published by Humanoids, Inc.
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

The return of the greatest warrior in the universe: The Metabaron!

The Metabaron character was created by legendary artist Moebius and writer Alejandro Jodorowsky in The Incal, and was later spun-off into his own international bestselling series, The Metabarons, with art by Juan Gimenez. The new series The Metabaron is a collaboration between Alejandro Jodorowsky and Jerry Frissen, exhibiting the work of talented artists including Valentin Secher and Niko Henrichon. Writer/director/ producer David S. Goyer (Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) called The Metabarons: “The greatest work of graphic fiction ever produced,” and it has sold millions of copies globally.

About The Author

Jerry Frissen (born Thierry Frissen in Belgium) is an American comic book writer and toy & graphic designer. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the recently relaunched comics anthology magazine Metal Hurlant in France, as well as the author of several best-selling graphic novels, including the anthology comic book series Lucha Libre (Unfabulous Five, The Tikitis), The Fire of Theseus, Exo, Simak, and the new cycle of the internationally acclaimed series The Metabarons, co-written with Alejandro Jodorowsky and illustrated by Valentin Sécher, Niko Henrichon, and Pete Woods.

His book The Zombies That Ate The World, illustrated by Guillermo Del Toro collaborator Guy Davis, was recently adapted by RKSS of Turbo Kid for the silver screen as We Are Zombies.

About The Illustrator

At only 29, Valentin has already been published by Titan Comics (Khaal) and Humanoids (The Metabaron Book 1 & 3). A rising star in the European comics scene, he took up the challenge of following in the footsteps of Juan Gimenez, creating his own version of Jodorowsky's universes: cinematic landscapes and beautiful, realistic fight scenes.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Humanoids, Inc. (December 11, 2018)
  • Length: 112 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781594658532
  • Ages: 16 and up

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Raves and Reviews

" tosses Greek mythology, Frank Herbert’s Dune, and a bit of the old ultraviolence into a blender and presses frappé. ...stunningly illustrated and utterly bananas." - Publishers Weekly "This strong science fiction story will not only appeal to readers familiar with the Metabaron catalog and the strong output of Humanoids in the field, but should also be on the radar for audiences weaned on Image Comics' recent presence in the genre over the past few years with titles such as Saga, Prophet, and much more." - icv2

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More books from this illustrator: Valentin Sécher