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About The Book

An inspiring new deck from artist Lettie Jane Rennekamp, The Listening OracleDeck is the perfect companion piece for unlocking your creative process and helping you to lead a full and intentional life.

Illustrator and tarot enthusiast Lettie Jane Rennekamp returns with an exciting new deck, this time for their fellow artists and creatives. The Listening Oracle Deck was designed with the intention of guiding users through the creative process by representing milestones in the path of making art or living a fully examined life.

As a lifelong artist, Lettie Jane has ridden the wild ups and downs of creation for most of her life. She still strives to make sense of the times it doesn’t feel good and the times it does, as most artists do. In these moments when you are feeling blocked, vulnerable, or otherwise uninspired, The Listening Oracle Deck invites you to pull a card before sitting down to write, paint, or draw. Unique in its circular format and mixed media art, each card is ready to guide you gently into your next big breakthrough.

If you’re ready to live a more creatively inspired life, The Listening Oracle Deck is waiting for you!

About The Author

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (August 13, 2025)
  • Length: 176 pages
  • ISBN13: 9798881601768

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