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About The Book

Intuition is not a rare gift that only a gifted few possess but an innate human capacity that can be enhanced and developed. Synthesizing insights from psychology, East- West philosophy, religion, metaphysics, and business, this hands-on workbook in the tradition of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, can teach anyone to achieve a heightened state of perceptual vitality and integrate it into daily life. Intuition, writes Penney Peirce, is “not the opposite of logic,” but rather “a comprehensive way of knowing life that includes both left-brain analytical thinking and right-brain communication states.” On a practical level, intuition enables us to learn faster and make quicker, more inspired decisions. On a deeper level, it “is a powerful tool that can heal the painful split we all feel between our earthly, mundane selves and our divine, eternal selves.” Widely praised in its earlier editions, this new edition of The Intuitive Way, with a Foreword by Carol Adrienne, will introduce Penney Peirce’s pioneering work to a whole new readership.

About The Author

Photograph courtesy of author

Penney Peirce is an internationally respected clairvoyant-empath, visionary, and pioneer in transformation dynamics, intuition development, expanded perception, and dreamwork. She trains and advises coaches, business and government leaders, psychologists, scientists, celebrities, and seekers of all types. Penney is known for her common sense approach to spirituality and the development of expanded human capacities. She is the author of eleven bestselling books, including her Transformation series: Frequency, Transparency, Leap of Perception, and The Intuitive Way.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Atria Books/Beyond Words (November 5, 2009)
  • Length: 320 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781582702407

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Raves and Reviews

"This is a hands-on workbook...which will yield tangible results in developing your own intuitive ability. It would be hard to imagine a more thorough, cleanly structured, and encouraging book on the subject." -- The Bodhi Tree Book Review

"There's never been a book like The Intuitive Way! Comprehensive, easy, and entertaining, [Peirce's] no-nonsense approach inspires and instructs as no previous book on intuitive development has ever done. Bravo!" -- Hal Zina Bennett, PhD, author of Write from the Heart and The Lens of Perception

"The Intuitive Way fills a crucial gap in the training of most business people. What Steven Covey did for principle-centered behavior, Penney Peirce does for intuition. Here is a practical guide for using the power and clarity of intuition in the overly analytical workplace." -- William Bardallis, Management Consultant, Deloitte & Touche, Denver, CO

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