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The Geoengineered Transhuman

The Hidden Technologies of HAARP, Chemtrails, 5G/6G, Nanotechnology, Synthetic Biology, and the Scientific Effort to Transform Humanity

Published by Bear & Company
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

An exposure of the ongoing global shift to digital biology and transhumanism

• Explores how chemicals and nanotechnology are being continuously delivered via chemtrail aerosols by jets, drones, and rockets in the guise of “climate change”

• Examines the public-private partnerships behind transhumanism, including Big Pharma, GMO agribusiness, DARPA/IARPA, corporations, and foundations

• Reveals the reality of the secret space program (SSP) and the planetary “smart grid” of 5G/6G, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI)

What if the degradation of the planet is not just a byproduct of human greed but the explicit intention of government agencies bought off by corporations? What if their intent is to create a "post-human" global government run by AI, populated by a genetically and electromagnetically altered Homo sapiens loaded with nanotechnology and run by 5G/6G/7G transceivers from space?

Building on decades of research, Elana Freeland offers a comprehensive exposé of the transhumanist agenda—the transformation of humanity into a slave class by means of biotechnology, genetic engineering, molecular nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence. She reveals that weather control is already a global reality thanks to the aerosol chemtrails that maintain the ionized atmosphere needed for a myriad of military and civilian wireless operations. The air we breathe, the soil we grow our food in, and the water we drink have all been altered away from Nature and toward a synthetic "metaverse." Meanwhile, Big Pharma injects nano-sized hardware and software in vivo that activate a transhumanist brain-computer interface with AI. The author also examines the public-private partnerships behind transhumanism and reveals the reality of the secret space program and the planetary "smart grid" of 5G/6G.

The eons-old dream of global power seems to be coming of age in this overwhelmingly technological era of domination by the wealthy. And yet by exposing the transhumanist agenda and studying the technology being employed to subjugate the human race, we have the opportunity to find ways not just to resist becoming machines ourselves but to utilize our technologies for restoring a high civilization in service to the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.


Chapter 1
Atmospheric Nanoscience
Aside from nanotech’s potential as a weapon of mass
destruction, it could also make possible totally novel
forms of violence and oppression. Nanotechnology could
theoretically be used to make mind-control systems, invis-
ible and mobile eavesdropping devices, or unimaginably
horrific tools of torture.
When we look up at the sky, it looks enough like what we consider "normal" that people scurrying about on planet Earth, distracted by all their "doings," will be the last to know about the geoengineering that has utterly changed not only our atmosphere but humanity and planet Earth herself. That the sky is not the deep blue it used to be is chalked up to industrial pollution; that the weather is less cyclic and more extreme is blamed on "climate change."
The term geoengineering may be relatively new to some people, but terms like nanoparticles and nanotechnology are now part of our everyday vocabulary thanks to the Big Pharma mRNA serums that have been injected into people’s bodies over the last few years.
I look forward to the day—hopefully not far off, as people everywhere are waking up—when we can look up at the sky and wonder how is it that we were fooled for so long.
Our weather is now weaponized. The U.S. military has claimed for almost thirty years that "we will own the weather" by 2025 (and apparently sooner, as we shall see in the following chapters).1 The ability to make plasma clouds, electrostatically charged snow, extreme winds, "wildfires," and various other atmospheric events is part of the manipulation of our natural weather to create synthetic weather. The aerosols sprayed overhead, widely known as "chemtrails," have been distributed for the last twenty-five years. They have been loaded with conductive nanometals as well as genetically engineered fungi, red blood cells, nanobots, nanosensors, and nano-synbio creations piggybacked onto polymer fibers (see chapter 2, "Those White Lines in the Sky," as well as appendix 5, "Substances Used in Chemical Spraying Operations"). These Frankenstein creations now permeate the soil, tree bark and roots, aquifers, and all food growing in the open air. We are breathing and ingesting these substances. And altogether they are weakening the human immune system, fogging our brains, and making us ill with endless autoimmune conditions. All the while we are conditioned by "experts" and heavily indoctrinated so that we can no longer see the difference between what is real and natural and artifice. Carbon is being blamed to cover for the true culprit behind these weather extremes: the clandestine atmospheric nanoscience going on in our now fully ionized atmosphere. At present, all planetary changes for the worse are filed under the "climate change" narrative (the new term having replaced the previous term, global warming).
The chemicalizing of Earth’s atmosphere and the use of electromagnetics for weather engineering skews all other planetary data and leaves scientists, PhDs, and lay researchers alike in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance, the state of discomfort felt when two or more modes of thought contradict each other, usually resulting in an aversion to facts that may challenge one’s reality. Nuclear chemist J. Marvin Herndon"2 noticed what was unfolding in the sky over his hometown two decades after Project Cloverleaf, the joint U.S.-Canadian program of aerial chemical spraying, had been in full swing. In a study published in a scientific journal in 2015, Dr. Herndon concluded that the "ultra-fine airborne particulate matter of undisclosed composition"—i.e., nanotechnology—is dangerous to our health:
The dry warm air above San Diego is not conducive to the formation of
jet contrails, which are ice condensate. By November 2014 the tanker-jets
were busy every day crisscrossing the sky spraying their aerial graffiti. In
a matter of minutes, the aerosol trails would start to diffuse, eventually
forming cirrus-like clouds that further diffuse to form a white haze that
scattered sunlight, often occluding or dimming the sun. Aerosol spraying
was occasionally so intense as to make the otherwise cloudless blue sky
overcast, some areas of sky turning brownish. Sometimes the navigation
lights of the tanker-jets were visible as they worked at night, their trails
obscuring the stars overhead; by dawn, the normally clear-blue morning
sky already had a milky white haze. Regardless, aerosol spraying often
continued throughout the day.3
That same year, CBS-affiliated KSLA in Louisiana investigated the possible source of a substance that fell to Earth in the wake of high-altitude chemtrailing. High levels of barium (6.8 parts per million, or ppm), lead (8.2 ppm), and traces of arsenic, chromium, cadmium, selenium, and silver were found, with barium being more than six times the EPA toxic level. Symptoms of barium poisoning begin with stomach and chest pains and blood pressure problems.4
What are we really seeing when we look up and think we’re looking at the same blue sky and puffy clouds as those of yesteryear, before the onslaught of atmospheric nanoscience, before the program of artificial atmospheric air ionization was officially launched in 1994 as Project Cloverleaf?5 What we are seeing is electromagnetically charged chemical aerosols in cloud form—dusty plasmas full of charged nanoparticles, all of it cooked up by nanoparticle factories and delivered into the stratosphere (the layer just above the troposphere that we breathe from) via military and commercial jets. These nanoparticles are incredibly small carbon molecules often engineered with tinier-than-you-can-imagine, gigaflop, radio-controlled microprocessors that are then renamed "smart dust."
Smart dust falls like bad fairy dust in chemical trails; it looks like iridescent glitter, otherwise known as MEMS (microelectromechanical sensors) and GEMS (global environmental MEMS sensors).6 This smart dust can record everything, but most seriously it is being inhaled by people everywhere. Not surprisingly, smart dust research is funded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Fitted with computing power, sensing equipment, wireless radios, and long battery life, this smart dust makes possible the observation and relay of mountains of real-time data about people, cities, and the natural environment not to mention what it does to our blood and brain once inhaled.7
Engineered nanoparticles are alchemically turned into smart dust by vaporizing materials via plasma heat, pressure, and volume, plasma being superheated matter so hot that the electrons are ripped away from the atoms, forming an ionized gas. Once the temperature decreases, the resulting vapor becomes supersaturated with trillions of nanoparticles via nucleation, condensation, and coagulation.8
What is the purpose of creating artificial plasma plumes of charged microdust and nanodust particles of metal oxides? We are told it is to study the effects of this dusty plasma in our atmosphere while observing terrestrial weather, but it is actually to "own the weather" and transform our atmosphere for transhuman 2.0 by creating artificial plasma plumes of charged microdust and nanodust particles of metal oxides—what we are deceived into still thinking of as "clouds"—to make the atmosphere more electromagnetically conductive.
All plasma manifestations "have in common a kind of ‘non-atomic’ state
of matter where the electrons of an atom and its nucleus exist ‘apart’
from each other, and in a kind of ‘roaming free’—though, as we shall see,
not ‘amorphous’—state. A plasma consisting of uranium or of helium,
for example, would have the electrons of uranium or helium atoms, and
the nuclei of uranium or helium atoms all present in a particular region,
but not bound together in their familiar state as atoms. Or to put it dif-
ferently, since the matter of the elements comprising a plasma still exist
with all their protons, neutrons, and electrons ‘intact and present’ but
just not arranged in atoms, one may also say that in plasmas, matter
exists in a sub-atomic or ‘incomplete atomic’ condition.—Quoted from
Oxford scholar Joseph P. Farrell’s 2023 book The Demon in the Ekur:
Angels, Demons, Plasmas, Patristics, and Pyramids
(Adventures Unlimited
Press); in reference to Robert Temple, A New Science of Heaven: How
the Science of Plasma Changes Our Understanding of Physical and Spiritual
(London: Coronet, 2021).

Plasma physics—the study of the subatomic particles that make up plasma—has only existed since the 1930s. The term plasma ("to mold") was coined by Nobel Prize–winning American chemist and physicist Irving Langmuir (1881–1957) to describe how electrons entering plasma behave as a well-organized collective (hive or swarm), much like a biological organism, and similar to the colorless fluid found in living blood cells, which is also known as a plasma.

About The Author

Elana Freeland is a writer, teacher, and lecturer who researches classified-status issues such as geoengineering, MK-Ultra neural operations, and invasive electromagnetic weapons. The author of several books, including a trilogy on what geoengineering is really about, she lives in Olympia, Washington.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Bear & Company (April 2, 2025)
  • Length: 480 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781591435129

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Raves and Reviews

“The greatest fear of the Deep State operatives pursuing this madness is an awakened public. Elana Freeland brings it all together—she exposes crimes against humanity and planet Earth and includes exploration of the all-important solutions in her must-read book.”

– Bob Frissell, author of Nothing in This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are

“When we are struck by the evil of the Wetiko mind-virus, we lose our humanity and become like robots and automatons. In The Geoengineered Transhuman, Elana Freeland lays bare for all to see how this process is invisibly playing out all around—and inside—of us. I am filled with gratitude for Freeland, for she has written an amazing book, one of the most important books of our time.”

– Paul Levy, author of Wetiko and The Quantum Revelation

“Elana Freeland’s The Geoengineered Transhuman is a must-read for every human being alive. She explains like no other the interconnectedness of technocratic transhumanism, geoengineering, synthetic biology, 5G, and secret government programs. She is a pioneer who has been sounding the alarm for decades. This fourth book of hers is just as needed as her other masterpieces in these challenging times of the self-assembly nanotechnology attack on the human species and all life.”

– Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D., Ph.D., author of Light Medicine

“Arguably one of the most important issues of our time is the encroaching transhumanist agenda to remake the world and humanity through strategies such as geoengineering and synthetic engineering. I know of no other book as deeply researched on this topic as The Geoengineered Transhuman. Freeland not only explores the Deep State’s attempt to achieve full-spectrum dominance over planet Earth, she also reveals the insidious attempt to hijack the trajectory of human biological evolution. Luckily for us, Freeland comprehends the spiritual dimension of the forces that humanity is up against and offers the reader ways to meaningfully participate through the soul of consciousness. Read this book—and be enlightened!”

– Kingsley L. Dennis, author of The Struggle for Your Mind

“The Geoengineered Transhuman totally exposes the transhumanist agenda, a nefarious plan to subjugate the human race that is now becoming visible. The stronghearted among us must spread the word before this transformation takes over the human soul. Elana Freeland’s book is truthful and deeply painful to read. For example, weather modification and the militarization of space are heating our planet and damaging our health. Our taxes fund this secret plan, yet who ever agreed to this? We need to consider the hard truths in this excellent and comprehensive work. She believes we must see the whole spectrum to save our planet, and I agree! To avoid becoming an AI robot afflicted with synthetic biology, read this book!”

– Barbara Hand Clow, author of Awakening the Planetary Mind

“Elana Freeland is a dedicated and relentless researcher who serves us all. I have worked with her for several decades, and together we have witnessed the battlefield against humanity unfold. There is a time to consider and ponder and debate, but there is also a time to understand and comprehend. I recommend that we return Elana’s effort, read this book, and understand the reality of our times without delay. Elana continues to help us tirelessly, and now it is time for your gauntlet.”

– Clifford E. Carnicom, president of the Carnicom Institute

“Freeland bravely exposes the hidden dangers of our love affair with technology.”

– Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D., author of Delusions in Science and Spirituality

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