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Tareekh Pe Justice

Reforms for India's District Courts

About The Book

One of the biggest failures of the Indian state since it gave itself a new Constitution in 1950 has been its inability to deliver fair and timely justice to its citizens. Tareekh Pe Justice: Reforms for India’s District Courts conducts a deep dive into the dysfunction plaguing the district judiciary. These courts are the only layer of the judiciary that operate in every district of the country. Of the three tiers of the Indian justice system, the district courts hear the largest number of cases and are the first point of contact for most Indians seeking justice.

Traditionally, the debate on judicial reforms in India has been framed by the judiciary in terms of resources, be it the number of judges or funding for the judiciary. In this book, the authors attempt to reframe the issue by pointing instead to the institutional factors that have created a chilling atmosphere for the judges of the district judiciary, hampering their ability to deliver fearless, swift and decisive justice.

The authors also point to a litany of problems within the higher judiciary upon whom falls the responsibility of administering the district courts. This includes a failure to publish accurate judicial statistics, an opaque decision-making process, a poorly conceptualized digitization project that has gobbled up more than Rs 2,000 crore and reckless judicial activism that has often resulted in half-baked judicial reforms.

Lastly, the authors propose three big ideas to fundamentally rethink the justice system. These ideas include redesigning the constitutional architecture of the Indian judiciary, bringing back citizens into the courtrooms via juries and resisting dangerous populist

demands that seek the decimation of procedural and evidentiary safeguards in the law. These are reforms that can transform the efficiency of the district courts while also restoring public trust in the Indian judiciary and the rule of law in India.

About The Authors

Prashant Reddy Thikkavarapu studied law at the National Law School of India University and Stanford Law School. He has worked in law firms as well as in academia in India and Singapore. This includes stints at the National Academy for Legal Studies & Research (NALSAR) and the School of Law, Singapore Management University. He is also the co-author of Create, Copy, Disrupt: India’s Intellectual Property Dilemmas (Oxford University Press) and The Truth Pill: The Myth of Drug Regulation in India (Simon & Schuster)

Chitrakshi Jain studied law at the National Academy for Legal Studies and Research (NALSAR) and completed her postgraduate studies in political science and law and governance at University of Delhi and Jawaharlal Nehru University. She has worked as a researcher in civil society organizations and think tanks on issues related to access to justice, functioning of public institutions and judicial reforms.

Product Details

  • Publisher: S&S India (April 2, 2025)
  • Length: 288 pages
  • ISBN13: 9788198200365
  • Ages: 20 - 85

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