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About The Book

FoxTrot distills popular culture through the lens of everyday family life--offering a deft and humorous critique on society's latest comings and goings.

You might belong in the Fox family if you . . . dress up in a Batman costume . . . model a scarecrow after your sister . . . bake cookies to bribe your teachers . . . spend all day playing videogames . . . buy a cart load of junk food when your wife is out of town . . . eat all the candy out of your kids’ Easter baskets

See what Roger, Andy, Peter, Paige, and Jason Fox have been up to in this new FoxTrot collection. Nerdy videogames? Check. Clueless dad? Check. Sister hogging the bathroom mirror? Check.

With a refreshing blend of humor and truth, FoxTrot reminds us that while a family might seem normal on the outside, there could be a perpetually hungry pet iguana on the inside. 2007 Reuben winner Bill Amend delivers the hilarious, the cool, and the hilariously uncool, all wrapped up in Some Clever Title, the 42ndFoxTrot book.

About The Author

Bill Amend was named Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year by the National Cartoonists Society in 2007. He creates FoxTrot cartoons for Sunday newspapers and maintains an online presence at He lives in the Midwest.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (March 22, 2016)
  • Length: 144 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781449478100

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