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Reclaim your Dark Goddess

Published by Rockpool Publishing
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

The Dark Goddess beckons you now to take your first sacred steps into the darkness . . .

If you've been experiencing sombre times and wish to return to the light you can harness the wisdom of the Dark Goddess with this practical self-help survival manual, which will reshape your dark night of the soul.

The Dark Goddess spins the web of fate and instigates big changes that lead to transformation. Each of her incarnations within this book, from Baba Yaga, Hel and Cerridwen to Sheela-na-gig and the Morrighan, will shed light on illusions and how to uncover and embrace your shadow influencer and transcend through empowering rituals, goddess magick, faery tale symbolism, invocations, healing spells and sacred journalling so you can return from your dark night whole and evolved and with fully reclaimed power.

About The Author

"FLAVIA KATE PETERS is known as The Fairy Seer who embraces the path of the Old Ways and that of Fairy-craft. A teacher of natural & ancient magic, Flavia Kate trains others through her professional certification 'magical' courses, and is a working medium, clairvoyant and a best selling author - including Way of the Faery Shaman and Witches' Wisdom oracle deck. Flavia is a regular Presenter on the Mind Body Spirit & Pagan circuits, and Television appearances include Celebrity Haunted Hotel & Lightworker's Guide to the Galaxy, along with various guest slots for BBC Radio."

Product Details

  • Publisher: Rockpool Publishing (April 30, 2022)
  • Length: 336 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781922786807

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