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Princess Nai and Other Stories

Published by a misFit book
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

From award-winning author Jamal Saeed comes a collection of stories written in the dark of a Syrian prison. These gripping tales highlight his work as an activist, artist, and author, shedding light on Syria’s ongoing humanitarian crisis and the enduring power of hope.

Jamal Saeed wrote the stories in this collection during different stages of his life, but most originated while he was a prisoner of conscience in one of the worst prisons in the world. Other stories were composed after the Syrian uprising in 2011. One story — written in 2009 when he was still in Syria — is about a mythical olive tree that the Syrian military would eventually destroy. Canada plays a role too: Two of the stories were rewritten after his family finally escaped Syria and landed in Kingston, Ontario.

In these stories, reality and imagination coexist, and again and again the reader arrives at the truth by exploring the imaginary. Most of Saeed’s pieces include a poetic scene that enables the reader to engage with various characters’ fresh dreams (or their scattered and shattered dreams, as the case may be). Love, beauty, despair, hope, the longing for freedom, the search for lost time, and the impact of the past all coexist and vie for supremacy. Here too there is betting on the future (along with mockery of every kind of bet).

In the end, these stories open windows to the inner world of the human soul — and it is also true that every one of Saeed’s stories is based upon a solid fact.

About The Author

Product Details

  • Publisher: a misFit book (November 12, 2025)
  • Length: 180 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781770418042

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