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About The Book

Legendary New Yorker cartoonist Lee Lorenz showcases his well-seasoned, fan-favorite characters in this one-of-a-kind collection titled Old Farts Are Forever.

Lee's colorful old farts have been featured in boardrooms and bedrooms from snowy New England to balmy Boca Raton. They are the disappearing breed of ruthless senior industrialists and a growing legion of hapless victims of modern technology. His old farts face daunting doctors, pets that tyrannize their homes, and spouses who'd rather push them out of a moving car than share the last piece of coffee cake. C'est la vie, for an old fart. Welcome to Lee Lorenz's world.

Old Farts Are Forever is the fabled cartoonist's first collection. The millions of age-challenged Americans and the masses of New Yorker cartoon fiends who love Lee won't be disappointed.

"I looked in the mirror one day and discovered that after so many years of drawing old farts, I had become one. Old Farts Are Forever is both a celebration of America's favorite minority and an apology to a public I now realize was right all along." --Lee Lorenz

About The Author

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (September 15, 2009)
  • Length: 128 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780740785023

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