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Nature Needs You

The Fight to Save Our Swifts

Published by Elliott & Thompson
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Nature Needs You tells the compelling story of how Hannah set out to save swifts from extinction in the UK. She launched her campaign from scratch, employing radical tactics to try to change the law and make ‘swift bricks’ mandatory to ensure that the birds who share our walls have a future in Britain. Nature Needs You delves into the highs and lows of trying to win hearts and minds, grab the news agenda with her naked Feather Speech, survive the trolling and midnight self-doubt and raise a petition with the requisite 100,000 signatures for a Parliamentary debate. At stake, with a decline in numbers of over 60% since 1995, are the birds that have become our symbol of summer, screaming in the skies above us.

Steeped in love for the wild, Nature Needs You is a clarion call to save the nature on our doorsteps and prove that passion can be a superpower in bringing change to nature-depleted Britain. Inspirational, funny, self-deprecating and unstoppable in turn, this is nature writing that reads like a thriller. Hannah is now knocking at the door of the new Labour Secretary of State for Housing, in the hope that, where Rishi Sunak and Michael Gove failed, Angela Rayner will save our swifts.

About The Author

Product Details

  • Publisher: Elliott & Thompson (July 2, 2025)
  • Length: 320 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781783968688

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