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Table of Contents
About The Book
"Critically important reading as our economy struggles to recover the pandemic's deleterious economic impact that is currently compounded by supply chain issues and the beginnings of an inflationary spiral."
—The Midwest Book Review
"Provides concrete steps leaders and employees can take to thrive in today’s marketplace, where taking a stand on something important to your customers can become a competitive differentiator."
Discover an urgent prescription for a new business paradigm—one that better serves humanity and the planet.
The global coronavirus pandemic has thrown into stark relief how “business as usual” is no longer serving us. The economic, business, and environmental models of the past do not reflect our current realities. And for our economy—for us—to survive, we need nothing less than a seismic shift in the way we do business.
Enter Simon Mainwaring, New York Times-bestselling author and founder and CEO of We First. A decade ago, he showed how business leaders and consumers could use social media to build a better world in We First. Now, after decades of research and field experience at the vanguard of the world’s most successful brand revolutions, he provides in Lead With We a blueprint for doing business better in today’s challenged world.
By leading with “we”—putting the collective above the individual, holding the sum above the parts, and emphasizing the importance of the role that everyone plays—you can not only help solve the escalating challenges of today but also unlock extraordinary growth for your business, and abundance on our planet.
Timely and compelling, this book’s message is simple: The future of profit is people’s purpose, aligned. Lead With We not only examines why we must all conduct business differently in order to grow in today’s market, but provides the how—concrete steps any reader, wherever they find themselves in the business hierarchy, can take toward success.
Product Details
- Publisher: Matt Holt Books (November 9, 2021)
- Length: 368 pages
- ISBN13: 9781637740033
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Raves and Reviews
"""Lead With We is what business desperately needs today to rise to the moment. What is unique about Mainwaring's book is the HOW blueprint it offers that will inspire and enable all of us, and especially business leaders, to co-create an inclusive and regenerative future.""
—Virginie Helias, Chief Sustainability Officer, Procter & Gamble
""In this passionate and powerful book, Simon Mainwaring draws from years of experience working with leading-edge companies to show how aligning our interests with those of the entire society can catalyze growth, build powerful brands, and ultimately create a private sector whose central goal is the good of the whole. The result is a roadmap for change that is both eminently actionable and deeply inspiring.""
—Rebecca Henderson, professor, Harvard Business School & author, Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire
""If you are a business leader or entrepreneur that's passionate about solving today's social andenvironmental challenges, grab Lead With We. It reveals a radical new vision for the role ofbusiness and how it works, and provides us the confidence and guidance to make it happen.Visionary, inspirational, actionable; it's what business and our world needs now.""
—Amy Smith, Chief Strategy & Impact Officer, TOMS Shoes
""Lead With We gets it right. We need a new narrative of what it means to lead: who leads, how,and to what end. It all begins [with] a shared collective purpose to create shared well-being on a healthy planet. Society needs—and the market is demanding—leaders who design for inter-dependence, invest for justice, and account for all stakeholders.""
—Jay Coen Gilbert, CEO, Imperative 21 and Cofounder, B Lab & the B Corp movement
""The challenges facing humankind today are too big and too complex for government orphilanthropy to meet alone. Business must step up. Lead With We is both a rally cry and aroadmap for collaborative leadership and how to harness that power in business to transformour lives and future.""
—Deval Patrick, former Governor of Massachusetts & Founder, Bain Capital Double Impact
""There's never been a better opportunity, and more dire need, to rewire capitalism. In Lead With We, Simon Mainwaring shows how we can engage all stakeholders in transformative change and embrace purpose as a competitive edge. The pandemic helped illustrate how everyone has a role to play in healing our economic system and our ecosystem—this is the playbook.""
—Seth Goldman, Cofounder, Honest Tea, Eat the Change & PLNT Burger & Chair, Beyond Meat
""The global pandemic and recent cultural crises have shined a brighter, more deliberate lighton the need for businesses to lead with their purpose rather than what drives the bottom line. As we all continue to navigate the intersection of consumer expectations and the role of brands in leading with purpose, Simon's book—Lead With We—is a must-have resource for any business leader or decision maker to have on hand.""
—Doug Palladini, Global Brand President, Vans
""The relationship between society and business is fundamentally changing. Lead With We notonly explains why this is happening, it provides a clear blueprint for how leadership can shape this process today and into the future.""
—Martin Whitaker, CEO, Just Capital
""Today's social and environmental challenges represent an enormous opportunity for business leaders who can seize this moment to lead collaboratively. Mainwaring emphasizes theimportance of collective impact and helps us reimagine business and work together, in waysthat serve everyone. This is the great imperative of our times and Lead With We shows us howwe can get there.""
—Sophie Bambuck, Chief Marketing Officer, Everlane
""Lead With We challenges leaders to take the concepts of stakeholder capitalism and collectiveaction to a higher standard. To a level that hearts and minds must reach to meet the challengesof addressing the planetary and social challenges we face today. This book can help inspire andinstruct everyone in the business sector to be an agent of change.""
—Ilze Melngailis, Senior Director, Business Council for the UN & Private Sector Engagement
""In his new book, Lead With We, Simon Mainwaring provides an elegant roadmap for brand leaders who are compelled to take action against this vision. Why is this book a must-read now? Because as Simon says, ‘companies cannot survive in societies that fail,' and sadly, the environmental and social ecosystems we depend on are now being stretched to the breaking point. If you're looking to equip yourself for thriving in today's challenging context, do yourself a favor and buy this book today.""
—KoAnn Vikoren Skrzyniarz, Founder/CEO, Sustainable Life Media/Sustainable Brands Worldwide"
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