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Intelligence and the function of government

Published by MUP Academic
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Intelligence plays an important, albeit often hidden hand, in the everyday function of government. Australia's intelligence agencies—collectively referred to as the Australian Intelligence Community (AIC)—are an established and fundamental component of the bureaucracy: they keep watch on potential problems in the name of national security, exploit weaknesses in the name of national interests, and build a picture of the complexities of the broader world for their consumers—other domestic government departments, partner intelligence agencies overseas and, most importantly, Australia's policy-makers. Their aim is to provide the government with 'information'—for that is essentially what intelligence is—to better enable it to tackle the issues confronting it; to be better armed, informed and forewarned of what might lay ahead; and to facilitate coherent policy-making. But we should not expect intelligence to be perfect, nor should we think that good intelligence guarantees good policy.

This book draws on a wide range experts including academics, former and current strategic advisers and members of government, private industry professionals and intelligence community experts, to provide a diagnostic, clear-eyed approach in explaining, accessing and exposing the central foundations and frameworks necessary for effective practice of intelligence in Australia as well as the shaping of intelligence expectations.

About The Authors

Daniel Baldino is a Senior Lecturer and the Discipline Head of The Politics and International Relations program, School of Arts and Sciences at The University of Notre Dame, Fremantle.

Rhys Crawley is an historian at the Australian War Memorial where he is writing the Official History of Australian Operations in Afghanistan, 2005-2010. He is also a Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University and an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of New South Wales, Canberra.

Product Details

  • Publisher: MUP Academic (March 19, 2018)
  • Length: 317 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780522871999

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