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In the Meantime

Finding Yourself and the Love You Want

About The Book

“The most powerful spiritual healer, fixer, teacher on the planet.” —Oprah Winfrey

The #1 national bestseller from the host of the show Iyanla: Fix My Life on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) that answers the question: What’s love got to do with it in the meantime?

You know where you want to be, but you have no clue how to get there. You know exactly what you want in life, but what you want is nowhere in sight. Perhaps your vision is unclear, your purpose still undefined. On top of it all, your relationships, particularly your romantic relationships, are failing. If these scenarios feel familiar way down in the deepest part of your gut—then you, my dear, are smack dab in the middle of the meantime.

Every living being wants to experience the light of love. The problem is that our windows are dirty! The windows of our hearts and minds are streaked with past pains and hurts, past memories and disappointments. In this book, Iyanla Vanzant teaches us how to do our mental housekeeping so that we can clean the windows, floors, walls, closets, and corners of our minds. If we do a good job, our spirits will shine bringing in the light of true love and happiness.

About The Author

Photograph © Roy Cox Photography

Iyanla Vanzant is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of seventeen books that have been translated into twenty-three languages, and the host and executive producer of the award-winning Iyanla: Fix My Life, the #1 reality show on OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network. As Founder of Inner Visions World Wide, Iyanla is actively engaged in personal development courses and on-going training programs for spiritual life coaches, and ordained ministers at Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Atria Books (July 14, 1999)
  • Length: 336 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780684865812

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USA Today Iyanla Vanzant taps the universality of spiritual yearning.

Los Angeles Times Iyanla Vanzant focuses on healing lives and letting people know that someone cares.

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