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In Case of Spiritual Emergency

Moving Successfully Through Your Awakening

Published by Findhorn Press
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Personal stories of spiritual crises are presented alongside practical and effective guidance in this exploration of a fascinating phenomenon. When spiritual emergencies, such as mystical psychosis and dark nights of the soul, are understood, managed, and integrated, they can offer enormous potential for growth and fulfillment, and this book offers three key phases for successful navigation. Encouraging, supportive, and life-saving, this resource is essential for avoiding the mental, emotional, or spiritual paralysis or exhaustion that can result from underestimating the current age of increased individual and global emergencies.

About The Author

Catherine G. Lucas is the founding director of the UK Spiritual Crisis Network. She has organized international conferences on spiritual emergency, is a regular speaker on the subject, and runs workshops on mindfulness and spirituality.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Findhorn Press (August 1, 2011)
  • Length: 192 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781844095469

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Raves and Reviews

"This book is going to be very helpful to many people."

– Dr Andrew Powell, Royal College of Psychiatrists, Special Interest Group on Spirituality

"At first sight, this book seems just another description of how one can be overwhelmed by an emotional or psychological crisis and, in recognising it as a potentially life-changing spiritual experience, grow through it to emerge wiser and richer. This remarkable book, however, is the work of an author who affords readers glimpses of her own deep wounds, and shows how she navigated through her crisis by seeking and using insights derived from branches of modern psychology and ancient mystical wisdom. She also refers to others’ journeys through, what she terms, their 'spiritual emergency'."

– Revd Jenny Francis, psychotherapist, Church Times

"If you give the book to someone who is lost in a ‘dark night’ and looking for reference points this read could make the difference between that person being 'mentally ill' or completing the most significant journey of life, the hero’s journey."

– Emma Bragdon, PhD (psychology)

"The strength of this book lies in the willingness of its author to share her own experiences as well as draw on those of others to give the reader a real taste of what spiritual emergency is--in all its many wonders and occasional horrors."

– William West, Therapy Today Journal

"I have found this book extremely helpful in my practice. The information is gathered and relayed in a clear, precise and comprehendible manner. The suggested methods can be put into practice and the book itself can be used for reference by both clients and practitioners."

– Frida Siton, Spirit Release Forum Network

"The phenomenon of Spiritual Emergency is growing - but hugely misunderstood by the public and health professionals alike. Hence why books such as Catherine's are desperately needed."

– Hazel Courteney, journalist and author

"This book needs to be in the hands of every counselor, physician, healthcare worker, intuitive and anyone else who works closely with people and their emotional, physical or spiritual health."

– New Spirit Journal

"Her work provides the understanding and resources that can help us recognize spiritual emergency in individuals and in the world, and honor and guide the process so that we can move successfully through it to individual and global awakening."

– Spirituality & Health

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