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About The Book

This is the first paperback edition of the classic gift book.

"The meaning of Christmas is to give of yourself--to open up the joy in your heart and share it generously. If you do this properly, then every day will feel like Christmas." --Bradley Trevor Greive, from Every Day Is Christmas

Employing a humorous modern-day fable style that he both created and perfected, Bradley Trevor Greive (BTG) pairs his witty prose with captivating black-and-white animal photos to offer readers an uplifting antidote to quell gift-wrapping rage, mall meltdowns, stay-too-long-inlaw-itis, and other seasonal joys and jeers.

BTG implores readers to recall Christmas's best attributes and make them a part of everyday life. "In doing so," BTG explains, "we make our lives and the lives of those we come into contact with much more enjoyable and far more rewarding."

* NOTE: The price on the cover is an easily removable sticker.

About The Author

Since the debut of his international bestseller The Blue Day Book, Bradley Trevor Greive has become a household name in more than 115 countries. A former Australian paratrooper, BTG left the army to pursue more creative misadventures. He has been bitten by wild monkeys and rabid bats and was accepted into Russia's cosmonaut training program--though those incidents were, by and large, unrelated. BTG spends most of his time in a tiny Tasmanian hamlet.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (October 18, 2011)
  • Length: 120 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781449414092

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