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Published by Findhorn Press
Distributed by Simon & Schuster
Table of Contents
About The Book
A full-color, practical handbook on the bioenergetics of animal healing, with case studies to showcase the effects of vibrational medicine
• 2020 Coalition of Visionary Resources Gold Award and Industry Choice and Peoples Choice Award
• Reveals how to work with the energy fields, auras, and chakras of horses, cats, and dogs
• Demonstrates how to use High Sense Perception (HSP) in relation to an animal, illustrating what happens in the energy fields of a human being and an animal when they connect telepathically
• Details how zoopharmacognosy, or animal self-selection of remedies such as essential oils, can assist in promoting emotional release and physical healing
Vibrational medicine offers a natural, effective, and hands-on response to animal ailments and disturbances. In the absence of a shared language of “words,” energetic healing can connect a human more closely to an animal while at the same time working on the physical body, the chakras, and the different layers of the animal’s aura or energy field.
In this book, animal communicator and healer Diane Budd shares her intriguing journey, research, and experience of working with animals energetically. She explains how, together with a healer colleague, she set out to document the effects of animal communication and healing on the energy field of the animal and the communicator, which led to further in-depth research. Detailing her findings, she reveals how to work with the energy fields, auras, and chakras of horses, cats, and dogs as well as what benefits energetic healing work can offer to animals. Sharing many case studies from her healing practice, the author explores what High Sense Perception (HSP) reveals about the relationship between an animal and human and how to make sense of what you are receiving on an intuitive level. Full-color illustrations clearly show the energy field, the energy flow between animals’ chakras, and what happens in the energy fields of a human being and an animal when they connect telepathically. The illustrations also help guide you, step-by-step, through the use of the healing tools and practices described.
The author explains how zoopharmacognosy--animal self-selection of remedies such as essential oils or herbs--can support emotional release and physical healing, not only for animals but for humans too. She details animal personality types and their soul evolvement levels and explores the influence of an animal’s past life on present-day issues, whether it be a past-life connection with the current owner or an issue the animal needs to work with in this present lifetime.
Full of animal communication stories and ground-breaking research on animal energy fields, this book shows how, just as we humans are all here on this earthly plane to learn and grow, so are our animals.
• 2020 Coalition of Visionary Resources Gold Award and Industry Choice and Peoples Choice Award
• Reveals how to work with the energy fields, auras, and chakras of horses, cats, and dogs
• Demonstrates how to use High Sense Perception (HSP) in relation to an animal, illustrating what happens in the energy fields of a human being and an animal when they connect telepathically
• Details how zoopharmacognosy, or animal self-selection of remedies such as essential oils, can assist in promoting emotional release and physical healing
Vibrational medicine offers a natural, effective, and hands-on response to animal ailments and disturbances. In the absence of a shared language of “words,” energetic healing can connect a human more closely to an animal while at the same time working on the physical body, the chakras, and the different layers of the animal’s aura or energy field.
In this book, animal communicator and healer Diane Budd shares her intriguing journey, research, and experience of working with animals energetically. She explains how, together with a healer colleague, she set out to document the effects of animal communication and healing on the energy field of the animal and the communicator, which led to further in-depth research. Detailing her findings, she reveals how to work with the energy fields, auras, and chakras of horses, cats, and dogs as well as what benefits energetic healing work can offer to animals. Sharing many case studies from her healing practice, the author explores what High Sense Perception (HSP) reveals about the relationship between an animal and human and how to make sense of what you are receiving on an intuitive level. Full-color illustrations clearly show the energy field, the energy flow between animals’ chakras, and what happens in the energy fields of a human being and an animal when they connect telepathically. The illustrations also help guide you, step-by-step, through the use of the healing tools and practices described.
The author explains how zoopharmacognosy--animal self-selection of remedies such as essential oils or herbs--can support emotional release and physical healing, not only for animals but for humans too. She details animal personality types and their soul evolvement levels and explores the influence of an animal’s past life on present-day issues, whether it be a past-life connection with the current owner or an issue the animal needs to work with in this present lifetime.
Full of animal communication stories and ground-breaking research on animal energy fields, this book shows how, just as we humans are all here on this earthly plane to learn and grow, so are our animals.
Functions of the Aura
As we’ve now established, horse auras have a similar function and purpose to those of humans i.e. your aura basically describes who you are.
The layers of the aura are a blueprint for the cells and tissues that make up the body, as well as for the horse’s emotions, state of awareness, relationships and level of life development. Because diseases and illnesses in the body are reflected in the aura, those who are sensitive can sometimes pick up a problem before it enters the physical body. The aura also has a direct connection to source and receives energy from the surrounding area too. It then transmits that energy to all parts of the body.
The Layers of the Auric Field
Each layer of the aura can be simple or complex, depending on where the animal is in their level of evolvement. They will also differ from horse to horse, depending on what is happening in their lives at that time. For those that are working horses, the physical (or first level) will be stronger and show a lot of physical ailments, both past and present. Others, who are more sensitive and highly strung, will have a denser emotional level.
Let’s take a look at the levels, starting with the colours. As it is very difficult to illustrate all that happens in the energy field, we have generalised the information and colours for easy understanding.
Colours of the Auric Levels
The colours and shapes of the aura are continually changing, reflecting changes in the horse’s physical health, as well as shifts in their emotions and relationships, both with us and within their herd. In general, the colours around horses are shades of pastel - the pale blues, greens, purples and warm yellows like caramel yellow. Even when the colour is saturated, it has a shimmery colour to it, almost sparkling. The outer soul level particularly has a shimmery, silver-grey look/feel to it.
Physical Level
In the human auric field we would call this the etheric body. It’s the first level that emanates out from the physical body and it has the same shape as the physical body. This etheric (or “physical”) layer is like a template of the physical body and reflects what is going on with that body, both inside and outside. It validates that energy is moving through the physical system and indicates the general state of health of the animal.
This is also the area where you can feel the age of the animal. Fairly young animals have a lightness to their energy, whereas much older animals have a heavier, denser feeling to them.
I always do a scan of this layer of the aura. I hold my hands about 10 cm above the physical body, working around the outline of the layer to check if there is anything there I need to pay attention to. I look for hot or cold spots, and notice any sensations in my body, for example, if my stomach suddenly feels sore. This layer is also where I Level Colour Physical Creamy white Neutral reddish, pink or caramel Emotional Mental Ranges of yellow and caramel yellows Soul Light pastel blues and greens, sometimes purples and pinks, with a shimmery quality - the final line seen against a background is a silver grey colour pick up past or present issues, which may feel like scar tissue or inflammation respectively.
Once I have identified an area where they may be a problem, I then try to see inside to give me an idea of what is going on. This is called High Sense Perception and is covered in chapter 6.
If you are a physiotherapist, hydro therapist, body stress release practitioner or kinesiologist, or you read animals or work with them physically in any other way, this is where you will be able to pick up a physical condition, sometimes even before it manifests in the physical body....
In my experience, if you are trained in a medical field, for example as a nurse, doctor or vet, or you simply have a background in anatomy, then the etheric layer will be the one from which you can most easily pick up information.…
Emotional Level
The emotional layer is usually a very neutral pink-red colour, and blobs of other colours also come up here, which tell us more about what is going on in the emotional level. Animal Communicators read this level naturally, because we connect to animals through the heart chakra. Most animals can manipulate, or cloak, the colour though, depending on what they want you to see or don’t.
An Animal Communicator may feel an emotion but not be quite sure what it is. Sometimes an animal mentions an episode in their life, but does so very briefly. They are only willing to tell you that something happened and that it scared them emotionally. In that case, either they have already dealt with it and feel it is not necessary to reveal all, or it was so traumatic that they don’t feel ready to show a human just yet - or maybe ever.…
Sometimes animals find it hard to express what they feel and so will try to convey it through the Animal Communicator’s body. This is the way I pick up emotions and I then have to try and put into words what I am feeling. That can be extremely difficult, and I often get a range of emotions that are so deep and intense that I battle to associate the feeling with the correct word.
The emotional level shows the emotional health of the animal. A light colour shows a positive attitude, and a dark colour, like grey, a negative or depressed emotional space. Usually the darker the colour, the more intense the emotion.
Functions of the Aura
As we’ve now established, horse auras have a similar function and purpose to those of humans i.e. your aura basically describes who you are.
The layers of the aura are a blueprint for the cells and tissues that make up the body, as well as for the horse’s emotions, state of awareness, relationships and level of life development. Because diseases and illnesses in the body are reflected in the aura, those who are sensitive can sometimes pick up a problem before it enters the physical body. The aura also has a direct connection to source and receives energy from the surrounding area too. It then transmits that energy to all parts of the body.
The Layers of the Auric Field
Each layer of the aura can be simple or complex, depending on where the animal is in their level of evolvement. They will also differ from horse to horse, depending on what is happening in their lives at that time. For those that are working horses, the physical (or first level) will be stronger and show a lot of physical ailments, both past and present. Others, who are more sensitive and highly strung, will have a denser emotional level.
Let’s take a look at the levels, starting with the colours. As it is very difficult to illustrate all that happens in the energy field, we have generalised the information and colours for easy understanding.
Colours of the Auric Levels
The colours and shapes of the aura are continually changing, reflecting changes in the horse’s physical health, as well as shifts in their emotions and relationships, both with us and within their herd. In general, the colours around horses are shades of pastel - the pale blues, greens, purples and warm yellows like caramel yellow. Even when the colour is saturated, it has a shimmery colour to it, almost sparkling. The outer soul level particularly has a shimmery, silver-grey look/feel to it.
Physical Level
In the human auric field we would call this the etheric body. It’s the first level that emanates out from the physical body and it has the same shape as the physical body. This etheric (or “physical”) layer is like a template of the physical body and reflects what is going on with that body, both inside and outside. It validates that energy is moving through the physical system and indicates the general state of health of the animal.
This is also the area where you can feel the age of the animal. Fairly young animals have a lightness to their energy, whereas much older animals have a heavier, denser feeling to them.
I always do a scan of this layer of the aura. I hold my hands about 10 cm above the physical body, working around the outline of the layer to check if there is anything there I need to pay attention to. I look for hot or cold spots, and notice any sensations in my body, for example, if my stomach suddenly feels sore. This layer is also where I Level Colour Physical Creamy white Neutral reddish, pink or caramel Emotional Mental Ranges of yellow and caramel yellows Soul Light pastel blues and greens, sometimes purples and pinks, with a shimmery quality - the final line seen against a background is a silver grey colour pick up past or present issues, which may feel like scar tissue or inflammation respectively.
Once I have identified an area where they may be a problem, I then try to see inside to give me an idea of what is going on. This is called High Sense Perception and is covered in chapter 6.
If you are a physiotherapist, hydro therapist, body stress release practitioner or kinesiologist, or you read animals or work with them physically in any other way, this is where you will be able to pick up a physical condition, sometimes even before it manifests in the physical body....
In my experience, if you are trained in a medical field, for example as a nurse, doctor or vet, or you simply have a background in anatomy, then the etheric layer will be the one from which you can most easily pick up information.…
Emotional Level
The emotional layer is usually a very neutral pink-red colour, and blobs of other colours also come up here, which tell us more about what is going on in the emotional level. Animal Communicators read this level naturally, because we connect to animals through the heart chakra. Most animals can manipulate, or cloak, the colour though, depending on what they want you to see or don’t.
An Animal Communicator may feel an emotion but not be quite sure what it is. Sometimes an animal mentions an episode in their life, but does so very briefly. They are only willing to tell you that something happened and that it scared them emotionally. In that case, either they have already dealt with it and feel it is not necessary to reveal all, or it was so traumatic that they don’t feel ready to show a human just yet - or maybe ever.…
Sometimes animals find it hard to express what they feel and so will try to convey it through the Animal Communicator’s body. This is the way I pick up emotions and I then have to try and put into words what I am feeling. That can be extremely difficult, and I often get a range of emotions that are so deep and intense that I battle to associate the feeling with the correct word.
The emotional level shows the emotional health of the animal. A light colour shows a positive attitude, and a dark colour, like grey, a negative or depressed emotional space. Usually the darker the colour, the more intense the emotion.
Product Details
- Publisher: Findhorn Press (February 19, 2019)
- Length: 192 pages
- ISBN13: 9781620558416
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Raves and Reviews
"Throughout the book are delightful case studies of the animals she has worked with. Hearing of their experiences and thoughts is insightful and enjoyable to read while gaining a peek into their perception of the world. For those that want to try out animal communication, the last section has tons of great information on how to begin practicing and opening up to the amazing world of animals. Whether you are a healer or an animal lover, there’s plenty for everyone in this delightful book, Energy Medicine for Animals."
– Amber Barnes,
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- Book Cover Image (jpg): Energy Medicine for Animals 2nd Edition, Revised Edition of Healing Touch eBook 9781620558416