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Dot to Dot NYC

Published by powerHouse Books
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Follow the numbers, grab your crayons and markers, anddiscover and decorate the capital of the world... Hiddenjust beyond sight in this adventurous dot to dot coloringbook lie epic New York City landmarks to be revealedand completed by you, the intrepid artist. Intricate anddetailed, the final results are delicate and beautiful whilestunning in their complexity. Within these pages you willfind yourself visiting the rides of Coney Island, the towers ofthe famous NYC skyline, the commute along the StatenIsland Ferry, the wilderness of the Bronx Zoo, the grooveof the Apollo Theater, and the art deco elegance of theChrysler Building, among so much more!

Not only fun, dot to dot art has been proven to increaseshort-term cognitive acuity, hand-eye coordination,concentration skills, as well as mood.

Not just for a rainy day, enjoy thiscelebration of the Big Apple as akeepsake of your visit, or spend your hoursconnecting the dots and inch yourselfcloser to your Broadway dream.

About The Author

Born in Busan, South Korea in 1987, artist and model Narae Kimwon third place in the 2010 Elite Model Look Korea contest andhas modeled professionally ever since. Narae relocated to NewYork City in 2012 where she began drawing images of the city'siconic skyline and architecture. Returning to Seoul, South Korea in2014, Narae dedicated herself to a career as an artist, and wasfeatured in several regional exhibitions while also working as agraphic designer in fashion and product design. Her artwork hasbeen featured throughout the South Korean media in publicationssuch as Ceci and Indigo Celeb among others. Dot to Dot NYC isNarae's first book.

Product Details

  • Publisher: powerHouse Books (August 23, 2016)
  • Length: 48 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781576878156

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