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Criminal Crafts

From D.I.Y. to F.B.I. Outlaw Projects for Scoundrels, Cheats, and Armchair Detectives

About The Book

This criminally clever craft book delivers more than 30 easy-to-make projects for devious minds looking for ways to artfully display everything from murder weapons made of soap to crime scene outlines on the living room floor.

Criminals attract an audience. People admire the sneakiness and creativity of the profession while cursing the dastardly outcomes. So why not have all of the tricks without the trade? Criminal Crafts brings together illicit behavior and artistic expression with dark humor in this do-it-yourself project book. Author Shawn Bowman focuses on original crafts and recipes themed in noir, murder, retro espionage, pulp fiction, mafia, and voodoo.

Crafters and mischief lovers alike will love this book of 30 projects revolving around notorious criminals and their activities. From John Dillinger's soap gun to Bonnie Parker's gunshot poetry journal, readers will find themselves both amused and intrigued with the devious creativity. Not to mention how impressed party guests will be when they show up to Flaming Amy cocktails and cocktail bars stashed in violin cases. And just wait until you show off your shiv cozy! From the practical to the classically kitsch, Criminal Crafts are art projects readers will love.

Some of Bowman’s notorious crafts are available online at, and you can follow Criminal Crafts at and via Twitter and Facebook.

About The Author

Former professional chef and current crafter extraordinaire, Shawn Bowman dallied in a promising East Coast film career, but decided to chuck it away to raise a demanding and ungrateful family and an ill tempered dog. Attached to her glue gun in a meaningful yet painful way, she spends her days skulking in Portland, Oregon, writing, making stuff, and drinking awesome beer.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (April 10, 2012)
  • Length: 144 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781449409852

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