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Born to Walk

The Transformative Power of a Pedestrian Act

Published by ECW Press
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

The case for getting back on our feet

The humble act of putting one foot in front of the other transcends age, geography, culture, and class, and is one of the most economical and environmentally responsible modes of transit. Yet with our modern fixation on speed, this healthy pedestrian activity has been largely left behind.

At a personal and professional crossroads, writer, editor, and obsessive walker Dan Rubinstein travelled throughout the U.S., U.K., and Canada to walk with people who saw the act not only as a form of transportation and recreation, but also as a path to a better world. There are no magic-bullet solutions to modern epidemics like obesity, anxiety, alienation, and climate change. But what if there is a simple way to take a step in the right direction? Combining fascinating reportage, eye-opening research, and Rubinstein’s own discoveries, Born to Walk explores how far this ancient habit can take us, how much repair is within range, and guarantees that you’ll never again take walking for granted.

About The Author

Product Details

  • Publisher: ECW Press (April 1, 2015)
  • Length: 304 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781770411890

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Raves and Reviews

Born to Walk should be required reading for Canadian politicians, policy-makers, planners and pedestrians.” — Winnipeg Free Press

“Rubinstein is at a crossroads in his life and walking provides the balm to get through it. It is full of personal stories about those he walks with: police on the beat, members of Canada’s First Nations, hikers, you name it.” — Books Or Bust

“With fervour and a strong commitment to research, Rubinstein unpacks his simple manifesto: ‘Walk more. Anywhere.’” — Quill & Quire

“[Born to Walk] shows how putting one foot in front of the other intersects with nearly every facet of the human experience, from mental health to economics to creativity, with no shortage of scientific firepower to back it up.” — Edmonton Journal

“Walking long distances daily is good for your health. We know that. But Rubinstein goes several steps further with this thought-provoking, transcendent book on the benefits of covering the miles on foot.” — Toronto Star

“Few books treat walking so big-heartedly and open-mindedly as this one or with such exploratory, wide-ranging study.” — Literary Review of Canada

“This is an inherently inspirational work, and one that holds real promise for social change. Add to that: reading it is often a delightfully visceral experience. Born to Walk invigorates — it convinces you that it’s time to get off the couch, lace up your sneakers, and rediscover the simple pleasure of a good walk.” —

“An unhurried and encyclopedic study of a basic and simple movement that touches upon nearly everything else we do. Like a good ramble over variable terrain, the book is filled with unexpected objects and insights.” — EVENT Magazine

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