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Balance Is Bullsh*t

The Truth about Motherhood and Self-Care

Published by Health Communications Inc EB
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Redefine self-care to fit your real-life version of motherhood.

Motherhood is a high stake, no joke endeavor. So is the amount of pressure society piles on moms. And the push for “self-care” has become just another thing for moms to feel guilty about because, yet again, they can’t live up to the unattainable idea of motherhood or how to balance it. Stepmom of four, birth mom of three, and adoptive mom of one, Elisha Beach is here to call bullshit on this unreachable balancing act.

Beach is not a self-care guru. She’s just another mom who found her way to that moment on the motherhood journey where she realized she had prioritized everyone else’s needs while completely neglecting her own. When she realized things needed to change, she drew on her skills as a certified strategic planner and set out to rediscover what she needed to support the many roles she played, how to get her family on board, and—most importantly — how to prioritize herself.

Balance Is Bullsh*t: The Truth About Motherhood and Self-care shares what Beach learned about moms struggling with “doing it all” and empowers them to take back their self-nurturing. With a humorous and honest take on the real-life experiences of motherhood, Beach shares her own missteps, unrealistic expectations, and the reality checks that forced her to completely reassess her self-care practice and build a new approach that celebrates mommy wins, implements grace while embracing the chaos of motherhood, and tosses out the impractical garbage for effective strategies for moms to take care of themselves.

About The Author

Elisha Beach is a birth mom of three, adoptive mom of one, and a stepmom of four step “adults." Yes, you read that right... Eight kids! Elisha fancies herself Director of Domestic Operations, Chief Laundry Avoider, Executive Chef, Senior Chauffeur, and a self-care practitioner and advocate for moms. Three months after giving birth to her youngest child, Elisha had a public “mommy meltdown” in the middle of a passport office. After being escorted out of the room while sobbing into a cloth diaper, she realized she had to change the way she was caring for herself and set out on a journey to discover what self-care she needed so she wouldn't constantly be on the verge of losing her mind. She spent over a year focusing on her self-care practice and learning how to prioritize her own needs. She combined her skills as a Certified Strategic Planner with her real-life motherhood experience to create a step-by-step process for everyday moms to build a realistic self-care practice. Elisha has since been on a mission to share more of her truth about motherhood and self-care so other moms feel less alone.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Health Communications Inc EB (November 11, 2025)
  • Length: 288 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780757325519

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