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Back to the Moon

Published by Baen
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

A crackling, realistic thriller of intrigue and courage overflowing with cool near-future ideas for a return to the glory days of lunar exploration from the “dream-team” of science fiction writer Travis S. Taylor (also a NASA and DOD consultant) and Les Johnson, Deputy Manager for the Advanced Concepts Office at the NASA—a man who definitely knows whereof he speaks.

The space race is back on. While NASA stages a fiftieth anniversary return to the Moon, a gritty private company puts together its own moonshot, complete with space tourists in tow. Across the globe, the Chinese are determined to arrive first this time. What’s more, they’ll do whatever it takes to win—including stealing every bit of American technology they can pilfer and hack. But just as politics and spectacle threaten to overshadow real accomplishment yet again, something goes horribly wrong on the lunar surface. Now the front-line troops, the astronauts themselves, must put aside the squabbles of others and take fate into their own hands. For it is time to prove that humans are not merely redundant cogs in a vast “lunar delivery process”–but that exploration and adventure in space is humanity’s destiny.

About Travis S. Taylor
“[E]xplodes with inventive action.—Publishers Weekly on Travis S. Taylor’s The Quantum Connection.

“[Warp Speed] reads like Doc Smith writing Robert Ludlum. . .You won’t want to put it down”—John Ringo

About Les Johnson:
“. . . .Solar Sails. . .convincingly captures the history of. . .solar sails. . .for aerospace students and keen enthusiasts alike.”—Nature

About The Authors

Les Johnson is a futurist, author, and NASA technologist. Publishers Weekly noted that “The spirit of Arthur C. Clarke and his contemporaries is alive and well . . .” when describing his novel, Mission to Methone. His most recent novels, The Spacetime War and Saving Proxima (with coauthor Travis S. Taylor), were published in 2021. In his day job at NASA, Les is the Chief Technologist at the Marshall Space Flight Center where he leads the center’s development of next-generation space technologies—including solar sails, which he believes will eventually take us to the stars.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Baen (December 27, 2011)
  • Length: 400 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781451637731

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