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About The Book

The Saga of the Return to the Moon, This Time to Stay—and the Technological Problems are the Simplest to Solve. Science Fiction by Two Scientists Who Know Both Science and the Ways of Government Bureaucracies.

Praise for Travis S. Taylor

“[Warp Speed] reads like Doc Smith writing Robert Ludlum. . . .You won't want to put it down.” —John Ringo

“In the tradition of Golden Age SF . . . explodes with inventive action . . . dazzling . . . cutting-edge scientific possibilities. . . .” —Publishers Weekly

Praise for Les Johnson:

“. . . Solar Sails: A Novel Approach to Interplanetary Travel . . . convincingly captures the history of ideas about solar sails, their current state of play and their future promise. … Suitable for aerospace students and keen enthusiasts alike. . . .” —Stuart Clark, Nature

“I can recommend this book [Living Off the Land in Space: Green Roads to the Cosmos] to everyone interested in the future of space exploration.” —Claude Semay, Physicalia

About The Authors

Dr. Travis S. Taylor heads up the cast of The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch and can be seen on The Machines that Built America on the History Channel. He has worked on various programs for the Department of Defense and NASA for the past twenty years. His expertise includes advanced propulsion concepts, very large space telescopes, space-based beamed-energy systems, future combat technologies, and next-generation space launch concepts. Taylor is also the author of pulse-pounding, cutting-edge science fiction novels, including the highly popular One Day on Mars, Tau Ceti Agenda, and the groundbreaking Warp Speed series. He is a regular on the History Channel’s Life After People and The Universe series.

Les Johnson is a futurist, author, and NASA technologist. Publishers Weekly noted that “The spirit of Arthur C. Clarke and his contemporaries is alive and well . . .” when describing his novel, Mission to Methone. His most recent novels, The Spacetime War and Saving Proxima (with coauthor Travis S. Taylor), were published in 2021. In his day job at NASA, Les is the Chief Technologist at the Marshall Space Flight Center where he leads the center’s development of next-generation space technologies—including solar sails, which he believes will eventually take us to the stars.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Baen (July 12, 2010)
  • Length: 320 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781439134054

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