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1635: The Eastern Front

Book #12 of The Ring of Fire
Published by Baen
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

A new addition to the multiple New York Times best-selling Ring of Fire series. After carving a place for itself among the struggling powers of 17th century Western Europe, the “out-of-time” modern town of Grantville, West Virginia must throw up its eastern bulwarks against Dark Age domination.

Alternate history master Eric Flint returns to top form with an epic addition to the multiple New York Times best-selling Ring of Fire series. A cosmic accident sets the modern town of Grantville, West Virginia, down in war-torn seventeenth century Europe and a new nation is forged. Now after carving a place for itself among the struggling powers of Western Europe, Grantville must throw up its eastern bulwarks against Dark Age domination. But the challenge for the down-time Eastern European horde is just as great: how to crawl out of a deeper feudal shadow than any in the west–and step into the light of freedom.

About Eric Flint’s Ring of Fire series:
“This alternate history series is…a landmark…”—Booklist

“[Eric] Flint's 1632 universe seems to be inspiring a whole new crop of gifted alternate historians.”—Booklist

“…reads like a technothriller set in the age of the Medicis…”—Publishers Weekly

“…each new entry appears better than the previous one, a seemingly impossible feat…terrific.”—Midwest Book Review

“[C]ombines accurate historical research with bold leaps of the imagination.”—Library Journal

About The Author

Eric Flint was the creator of the New York Times best-selling Ring of Fire series, the best-selling alternate history series of all time. Beginning with 1632, Flint—along with dozens of cowriters—chronicled what happened when the 20th-century town of Grantville, West Virginia, was transported through time and space to 17th-century Europe. In addition, Flint was the author, with New York Times best seller David Weber, of the Crown of Slaves Saga, as well as the Belisarius series with best-selling author David Drake. Flint was the editor of Jim Baen’s Universe, as well as numerous short story anthologies. Before becoming a writer, Flint worked as a trade union organizer, longshoreman, truck driver, auto worker, steel worker, oil worker, meatpacker, glassblower, and machinist. Eric Flint passed away in 2022.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Baen (November 29, 2011)
  • Length: 528 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781451637649

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