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About The Book

This book is a comical romp through the joys of womanhood.

It's great to be a woman . . . most of the time. Lisa Birnbach, Ann Hodgman, and Patty Marx have come up with 1,003 hilarious reasons why it's great all of the time. Pantyhose, high heels, lipstick, maxi pads, chocolate-all things feminine are covered. These three witty and wise women have delivered yet another hysterical list of 1,003 great things. Each writer has a unique (and much appreciated) take on being a modern-day woman. After all, today's females need to be tough, talented multitaskers with an amazing sense of humor-and that's just to compete with the males in grade school!

The trio empathizes humorously with women's universal struggles and triumphs:

* Hair talk is the international language.

* You and the children go first in the lifeboat.

* You can cry your way out of a speeding ticket.

* Oh, the joy of a shoe sale!

* The gender that brought you Girl Scout cookies.

* Women are tougher than men. Proof: bikini waxes.

* Women have a better instinctive sense of how to bag items in the supermarket.

* When we get that tone in our voice, you'd better listen up.

* Nothing wrong with us that a Frappuccino can't fix.

* Without ever having been there first, we know our way around every Target, Wal-Mart, Kohl's, and Kmart.

You'll laugh out loud at these outrageously funny stands on the sisterhood of femininity. 1003 Great Things About Being a Woman is the gift book every woman must own!

About The Authors

Lisa Birnbach is a television commentator and the author of the wildly successful Official Preppy Handbook. She is a Parade magazine contributing editor and the mother of (at least) three children.

Ann Hodgman has written more than 43 books, including My Babysitter Is a Vampire series and One Bite Won't Kill You. Her essays have appeared in Best American Essays and Best Food Writing.

Photographed by Robert Adam Mayer at The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (January 4, 2005)
  • Length: 320 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780740750137

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  • Author Photo (jpg): Patricia Marx
    Photographed by Robert Adam Mayer at The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
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