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About The Book

1,003 Great Things About America is full of the humor and hope, wit and wonder, that makes America so magnificent.

Being American has always been a wonderful thing. But after September 11, 2001, patriotism soared. Not since the 1940s had America been attacked with such unexpected and horrible decisiveness. From sea to shining sea, the response was deafening. Americans raised their flags, raised their voices, and vowed to stand united. Of course, we're still bound by our sense of humor, a cornerstone of our country's proud past and present. In 1,003 Great Things About America, authors Lisa Birnbach, Ann Hodgman, and Patricia Marx perfectly sum up that combination of humor and hope, wit and wonder, that makes America so magnificent. What are some of the best things about America? As this talented trio of authors remind us: Apple pie, John Wayne, Mount Rushmore, Elvis, Baseball. The list goes on and on. From beginning to end, 1,003 Great Things About America serves as a keen and admiring look at those elements that give our nation its indefatigable character. From Frank Sinatra to the Super Bowl, from hamburgers to the Hamptons, 1,003 Great Things About America rings true and timeless.

About The Authors

Lisa Birnbach is a television commentator and the author of the wildly successful Official Preppy Handbook. She is a Parade magazine contributing editor and the mother of (at least) three children.

Ann Hodgman has written more than 43 books, including My Babysitter Is a Vampire series and One Bite Won't Kill You. Her essays have appeared in Best American Essays and Best Food Writing.

Photographed by Robert Adam Mayer at The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (May 14, 2002)
  • Length: 304 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780740729492

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  • Author Photo (jpg): Patricia Marx
    Photographed by Robert Adam Mayer at The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
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