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Vincent Hunanyan
About The Author
Vincent Hunanyan (May 21, 1991) is the Armenian-born poet and artist. Hunanyan's passion for poetry began at the age of 13 and in the form of lyrics. Upon graduating UCLA, Vincent decided to pursue a career in writing. His debut, Black Book of Poems is a poetry collection dealing with love, loss, abandonment, alcoholism, religion, depression and war. The idea for Black Book of Poems was conceived following a breakup. In the book’s preface Hunanyan explains, “I write only that which I know, that which I can feel and try to transcend to the reader through a few lines. Nothing else concerns me.” The book was well received upon its release, with Robert Foreman of Foreword Clarion Reviews, concluding: "Black Book of Poems is a collection with a distinct sensibility that gives attention to a wide range of subjects while living up to its disdain for pretension." The book’s title comes from the song Nobody Home, by Pink Floyd. As of May 2019 the book has been a bestseller over 24 consecutive months, with over 300 customer reviews. The book was also featured on Hilary Swank's holiday wish list as reported by Today.
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