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Melissa Schreiber Vaughan
About The Author
Susanne Königis the director of and buyer for The POWERHOUSEArena in Dumbo, Brooklyn, renowned for hostingeclectic cook book parties formany Brooklyn-based chefs and makers including Pok Pok, Fleischer's, KingsCounty, AmpleHills, Sunday Suppers, Franny's, Baked, and many more. She alsocurates an extensive collection of Brooklyn-madeproducts.After spending her childhood and formative years in Germany, Belgium,and Paris where she worked at Sotheby'sand for French art bookpublishers, she moved to New York in 2000. She works and livesin Brooklyn with her husband andson. Melissa Schreiber Vaughanis the co-author ofThe New Brooklyn Cookbookand a recipe developer and tester, whose work has appeared in national food magazines and more than 20 cookbooks. Melissa curates food events throughout Brooklyn and lives in Park Slope with her two budding foodies, Roan and Dory. Heather Westontakes pictures. Whether in the studio or on location she loves to photograph people and food. Heather lives in Brooklyn with her husband and daughter and is a proud ballet mom. To see more of her photography visit ContributorBios: Rachel Whartonis aJames Beard Foundation award-winning foodwriter, cookbook author and contributingeditor to Edible Brooklyn. David Wondrichis one ofthe world's foremost Americancocktail historians, a James Beard Foundationaward-winningdrinks writer, and author of Imbibe!
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