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Lydia Fenet

Lydia Fenet on her audiobook CLAIM YOUR CONFIDENCE
Author and narrator of CLAIM YOUR CONFIDENCE Lydia Fenet gives advice on how to improve your confidence. Learn more: You Are a Badass meets Grit in this powerhouse guide to overcoming your fear and finding the confidence within—from Christie’s ambassador and author of the “insightful, inspiring” (New York Journal of Books) The Most Powerful Woman in the Room Is You. CONNECT WITH SIMON & SCHUSTER AUDIO: Web: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
About The Author
Lydia Fenet is the founder and CEO of the Lydia Fenet Agency, a boutique agency representing best in class charity auctioneers. Over her two-decade long career, Lydia served as the global managing director of strategic partnerships for Christie’s and reshaped the fundraising landscape as the world’s leading charity auctioneer. She has single handedly raised over one billion dollars for more than eight hundred organizations and has broken down countless barriers for women in the auction industry. She is the author of the bestselling book The Most Powerful Woman in the Room is You as well as the podcast host of Claim Your Confidence in collaboration with Rockefeller Center. Her first book was optioned by Netflix in 2022. She lives in New York City with her husband and three children.
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