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Julie Burton

About The Author

Julie Burton is a freelance writer, blogger, co-founder of the Twin Cities Writing Studio, a yoga instructor, a wife of twenty-two years and a mother of four children, ranging in age from twenty-one to eleven. She earned her advanced degree from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University and is the former editor of Momtalk magazine. She writes about parenting, relationships, the aging process, and self-care for many national and local websites and publications, including Brain Child Magazine, Get Healthy U, Kveller and Your Teen, as well as on her blog She is happiest when she is reading, writing, practicing yoga, eating sushi and/or chocolate, taking long walks with friends, on a date with her husband, laughing with her kids, or spending time with family. She lives in Minnetonka, Minnesota, with her husband and children.

Books by Julie Burton