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Jeanine Detz
About The Author
Author Jeanine Detz wrote freelance fitness articles for Shape, Muscle and Fitness and Hers magazines before accepting the position as articles editor at Muscle and Fitness. She has also served as project manager on direct-to-reader books that perfectly parallel Ultimate Core Ball Workout in structure while using the magazines' brands including:
SHAPE Do It Right: The 75 Best Body-Sculpting Exercises for Women : a 188-page, spiral-bound book that gives step-by-step instructions, and general training advice, on 75 exercises for women
Muscle and Fitness HERS presents A Woman's Guide to Weight Training : a 270-page, hardcover training manual with step-by-step instructions on 98 exercises and an introduction on creating a program, choosing the right exercise, etc
SHAPE Do It Right: The 75 Best Body-Sculpting Exercises for Women : a 188-page, spiral-bound book that gives step-by-step instructions, and general training advice, on 75 exercises for women
Muscle and Fitness HERS presents A Woman's Guide to Weight Training : a 270-page, hardcover training manual with step-by-step instructions on 98 exercises and an introduction on creating a program, choosing the right exercise, etc
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